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Wednesday Meeting, 2024 01 24

reiniscirpons edited this page Mar 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Wednesday Meeting, 2024-01-24

Lecture Theatre D


  • Henrique Bastos
  • Reinis Cirpons
  • Joe Edwards
  • Jun Kwon
  • Andrei Lazer
  • Saffron McIver
  • James Mitchell
  • Matthew Pancer
  • Daniel Pointon
  • Oscar Raunio
  • Finn Smith
  • Maria Tsalakou
  • Michael Young


Participant Activity
Henrique Bastos Talking to James and Michael, looking for a task.
Reinis Cirpons Working the small index paper rewrite, talking to James.
Joe Edwards Documenting Knuth-Bendix, helping Andrei, getting Python bindings to work, talking to James.
Jun Kwon Talking to James and Michael, looking for a task.
Andrei Lazer Installing GAP with Joe.
Saffron McIver Talking to James and Michael, looking for a task.
James Mitchell Talking to VIP participants, helping with task allocation.
Matthew Pancer Working on a Graphviz package for GAP.
Daniel Pointon Talking to James, looking for a task.
Oscar Raunio Going through group theory course notes, talking to Finn.
Finn Smith Talking to Oscar, writing the MT3510 tutorial.
Maria Tsalakou Solving issues with the Semigroups package.
Michael Young Doing whatever is useful, talking to VIP participants, helping with task allocation.

The meeting began at about 13:55, and ended at about 17:30.

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