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Wednesday Meeting, 2016 12 07

reiniscirpons edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 3 revisions

Wednesday Meeting, 2016-12-07

Lecture Theatre D


  • Olexandr Konovalov
  • Botond Hajdara
  • Chris Russell
  • Fernando Flores Brito
  • James Mitchell
  • Michael Torpey
  • Wilf Wilson


Finn Smith sends his apologies by email; he has an exam this afternoon.

The meeting started at 14:00.

Olexandr filled us in on some news on the GAP front:

  • The Jenkins system is being updated, so package updates are not being picked up and tested automatically; however, there is still a nightly test of the master branch.
  • Olexandr is now a fully qualified Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructor, and there may be more workshops in St Andrews in 2017.
  • An agenda for the upcoming ICMS workshop is being created now, and should feature 50% time for tutorials/demonstrations and 50% time for coding and documentation sprints (James suggested that a Semigroups sprint could be included).

Isabella came by to say hello at 14:13, and left to work for her exams.

Olexandr left at 14:14.

We all discussed what we've been working on and what we're doing this afternoon:

  • Chris Russell -- Working on code for E-Unitary inverse semigroups
  • Fernando Flores Brito -- Studying identities (transformation semigroups) on paper and using GAP; learning about the congruences of the full transformation monoid; code for Wreath products of semigroups.
  • James Mitchell -- New release of SemigroupsPlusPlus; working towards a release of Semigroups 3.0
  • Michael Torpey -- Fixing extreme tests related to congruences
  • Wilf Wilson -- Researching maximal subsemigroups of various partition monoids; working towards a release of Semigroups 3.0

Botond and James left to have a discussion about teacher training. James returned at about 15:15.

Michael helped Fernando to integrate code into Semigroups and make a pull request.

James and Michael discussed the extreme test pairs.tst, and Michael started a new feature, "free congruences" (congruences on free semigroups and monoids).

Everyone continued with their work, reviewing each others' code and preparing for the next releases of Digraphs and Semigroups.

Michael left at 17:30, and the meeting ended shortly afterwards.

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