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Wednesday Meeting, 2017 10 25

reiniscirpons edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 3 revisions

Wednesday Meeting, 2017-10-25

Lecture Theatre D


  • Ashley Clayton
  • Fernando Flores Brito
  • Chris Russell
  • Finn Smith
  • Michael Torpey


Olexandr came by to fill us in on GAP progress. GAP 4.9 beta is in progress, and should be available this year, perhaps in mid-November. The effect on GAP packages is that the prim, trans and small components are now required packages. This change will be made in the master branch of GAP around the 1st November.

The CoDiMa project has money available for mathematical software development, so anyone hoping to travel to visit a collaborator could apply for funding. In addition, another Software Carpentry workshop will be held in St Andrews on the 4-6 December this year (it was announced in the Research Computing Network mailing list, to which you may subscribe here).

James arrived at about 15:30 briefly, and we discussed what we're working on today:

Participant Activity
Ashley Clayton Setting up GAP on his crazy Windows machine
Fernando Flores Brito Implementing a vertex connectivity method in Digraphs
Chris Russell Reading a paper
Finn Smith Miscellaneous Splash functions
Michael Torpey Helping Ashley; benchmarking congruences code

We spent most of the afternoon pursuing these tasks, and helping each other out. The discussion turned to vertex connectivity of graphs, and how complete digraphs fit in. Fernando would love to know the connectivity of JohnsonDigraph(9,2) for testing purposes.

Michael left at about 17:30, and the meeting ended shortly afterwards.

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