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Wednesday Meeting, 2017 08 30

reiniscirpons edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 5 revisions

Wednesday Meeting, 2017-08-30

Lecture Theatre D


  • Olexandr Konovalov
  • Chris Russell
  • Fernando Flores Brito
  • James Mitchell
  • Michael Torpey
  • Wilf Wilson


The meeting started at 14:05.

Olexandr informed us that GAP v4.8.8 is available. It was finished 10 days ago, but has been published today - a Windows installer needed to be prepared, and tests needed to be validated, and a GAP release checklist was being composed; it still contains Semigroups 2.8.0, but the next major GAP release should contain version 3.0 when it is released. The release checklist is available here:

Markus and Olexandr recently ran a GAP training course using the Software Carpentry lesson, which is available for use and contributions:

The Postgraduate Group Theory Conference (PGTC) will be held in St Andrews in 2018, and will include a GAP tutorial. This year's PGTC was in Cambridge, and the website is here:

GAP Days Fall 2017 is being held in Siegen right now, until 8th September. Wilf is going to attend the code sprint next week.

The long-awaited GAP 4.9 release should be released this year, with a hopeful beta version in September.

James Mitchell arrived at around 14:20. Olexandr left at around 14:35, and Fernando passed him in the doorway as he arrived.

Here's what we're working on:

  • Chris Russell -- Working on his McAlister triples PR with help from Wilf
  • Fernando Flores Brito -- Writing doc for transducers in AAA package
  • James Mitchell -- Working on libsemigroups: making methods easier to add
  • Michael Torpey -- Writing thesis, and writing CV for a job application
  • Wilf Wilson -- Element factorisation and direct product code

Michael left at about 14:50 to work in his office.

The meeting ended at ___.

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