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Report Definition

AlbSha edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 1 revision

European Food Safety Authority


A report is a set of monitoring data (BSE, Scrapie, CWD, TSE in other species and random genotype data) related to a particular reporting/sampling month.

Reporting countries are requested to submit each monthly report as a separate dataset (i.e. a different XML data file). Each monthly report must contain all the TSE surveillance data related to samples collected within a certain month.

Different levels of surveillance data included in each report are:

  • Aggregated data on BSE, Scrapie, CWD and TSE in other species or aggregated data on random genotyping of sheep;
  • Individual sample level data;
  • Analytical test results;

The monthly report contains the final results of the tests on those samples/animals related to the month in which the animals/samples are collected. This is applied even if the testing is performed at a later stage (in a following month) to obtain the final results. To avoid double reporting, it is recommended to report only final results, waiting to submit the report until all the analytical test results are completed and known. For example, if a country has all results available at the end of April 2018 for the samples collected in February 2018, then the complete February report should be uploaded to DCF in April 2018.

In contrast to the old pdf forms, there is no need to have two separate monthly reports for the different TSE: the monthly and the case report. A unique monthly report must contain all relevant information on BSE, Scrapie, CWD and TSE on other species, on negative and positive tested animals and on random genotyping of sheep.



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