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knot126 edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 4 revisions

Please see the releases page for changes after 2.0.0.


  • Refactoring and improvements to the quick test server
  • Quick test client update: you can now use different IP addresses without repacking the APK


  • Fixes #39: particles will now work!
  • Fixes a bug when exporting a visible box which previously used a template


  • Added a new quick test server to make testing changes to segments easier
  • Boxes can now emit light, allowing for cool effects
  • Added an automatic updater to help keep the tools updated
  • Moved export options to scene properties so they will save when closing a file
  • Reworked the UI so that item properties are now in the Item tab and segment properties are in the Scene tab
  • Fixed a bug when importing boxes with templates
  • Zero-size boxes are now converted to plane axes on import
  • Fixes related to tile size and rotation importing
  • Option to make importing segments mildly harder once they have been exported
  • Moving SHBT home files to dedicated Smash Hit Blender Tools folder
  • Added binary xml export option (only intended for developers)
  • Progress indicator for exports


  • Added new mesh baker which can bake meshes more accurately
    • No more corrupted meshes or janky output!
    • Proper tile size implementation
    • Support for per-side colour and tiles, even without templates
    • Accurate tile rotations
    • Support for per-vertex lighting (approximation)
    • Faster than old baker
    • Note: Still not final and may be tweaked (Version 0.13.2 is shipped in release)
    • Note: Meshes will look very different to the older MeshBake
  • Remove the replaced mesh baking modes
  • Reworked mesh box export experience
  • Added an obstacle chooser with the ability to add custom obstacles using a config file
  • Updated user interface in some places to be more organised
  • Update segment import to work again and support newer features
  • Better support when working with beta versions of Smash Hit: can now select beta power-ups
    • The barrel power-up, which still works, can now be include to create explosions
  • Decals now have the blend option available
  • Automatically attempt to find templates.xml.mp3 from APK opened in APK Editor Studio
  • Improve how stone hack works
  • Fixed game mode handling - the field should be used properly
  • Fixes bug with mesh file names
  • Fixed colours being displayed incorrectly in Blender
  • Remove option for disabling all light since it is redundant
  • Remove light factor since it is not needed anymore


  • Use a plane's size to specify water size again
  • Allow strings to be longer


  • Makes rules for VR Multiply simpler
  • Removes third element in vectors where it is unused
  • Allows choosing barrel power-up (which still works)



  • Add support for templates on boxes when using MeshBake
  • Updated exporting behaviour slightly to match Smash Hit


  • Fixes lighting and errors when trying to export.


  • Re-adds features removed in 0.109 and earlier, like stonehack and VR multiply


  • Update built-in MeshBake to version 0.4.1; this fixes buggy lighting


  • Update built-in MeshBake to version 0.4.0
  • Added support for exporting with lighting information (lightFront/Back/etc)


  • Removed misleading or broken features


  • Removed stone hack box export
  • Removed other less used or broken features, including Box Tile Rotation, VR Multiply, fallback colour and game mode appearance
  • Improve importer by adding box templates
  • Changed the way that water is placed: now use a plane to specify its size
  • Updated some text to be more concise
  • Show hidden tick box for boxes again


  • Add the option to export using a newer version of MeshBake


  • Implemented the Custom Script (formerly "Mesh Bake (Experimental)") option


  • Moved exporter settings to the export dialog itself
  • Moved fallback colour to the segment properties panel
  • Removed the "Exporter Properties" section
  • Update how the stonehack works so it is more aligned with mesh exporting
  • Reorganise things internally


  • Added beta support for exporting mesh files
  • Added the ability to set the alpha for stone colour tint
  • Removed many features made redundant by the ability to export meshes, excluding the stonehack itself
  • Removed to ability to set hidden property for stone


  • Fixed setting templates for boxes
  • Added Exporter Templates for common exporter settings
  • Split segment panel into Export and Segment attributes
  • Update more menu and help text


  • Added mostly usable segment import
  • Templates can now be set for boxes (though this is broken, it should be fixed in 0.106)


  • Added option for stretching segment length on export


  • Re-base to version 0.99
  • Backport compressed export, game mode changing and decal alpha
  • New attribute for stonehack obstacles (IMPORT_IGNORE="STONEHACK_IGNORE")
  • Updated some menu text
  • Change default file extensions to include ".mp3"
  • Fixed extra tab at the last line of XML


  • Add gzip compressed export


  • Added the ability to set the game mode that an obstacle will appear in


  • Re-factor much of the exporter
  • Alpha can now be set on decals


  • Better output formatting


  • Addons listing now links to wiki page and bug tracker
  • Added support for setting the softshadow property


  • Add support for specifying tile info on boxes


  • Add support for individually colored boxes
  • Default value for size of water and decals is now more workable
  • Script readability improvements, adding comments


  • Updates and bug fixes for decal colorization


  • Added decal colorization
  • Improvements to wording of UI
  • Other minor fixes


  • Use dimensions instead of scale; it is now possible to use edit mode safely


  • Use blender's color picker when choosing colors


  • Do not show stone color selector when stone hack is not enabled
  • Allow setting reflective mode for boxes
  • Use enumeration for power-ups instead of free-form box


  • Initial release


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