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Segment Properties

knot126 edited this page Oct 15, 2022 · 4 revisions

There are a few segment properties that you can adjust under <SceneSmash Hit.

With versions of Blender Tools prior to 2.0.3 beta, the panel is under <Smash HitSegment Properties and contains less options.




This will change the width, height and length of the segment. To change the width, adjust the Z size.

Box bake mode

This controls how box graphics data will be generated. (For technical reasons, Smash Hit does pre-computation of geometry that needs to be replicated.)

  • Mesh: This will use Blender Tools Mesh Bake to create a .mesh file alongside the segment XML. As of Smash Hit Blender Tools 2.0.11 beta, this looks almost like Smash Hit during normal gameplay, with some differences.
  • Stone hack: This will use a custom stone obstacle to create the visible boxes. The boxes will not be able to have tiles and only colour can be replicated. A stone obstacle must be present in the Smash Hit APK.[Note 1]
  • None: Does not try to make boxes visible. This is useful when you just want to export the segment.


The template for the segment's properties.

Soft shadow

The transparency of shadows in this segment. A value less than 0.0 means to use the default.

Segment stretch

This will attempt to stretch the segment length without making it look awkward.

This is meant for supporting Smash Hit VR without putting in additional effort to redesign the stages to be comfortable; however, it can be useful for making stages easier or harder in general, too.

Basic side lighting (left, right, front, etc.)

The amount of light that the faces of the boxes in the segment receive.

Advanced lighting


Enables an extension to Mesh Bake that allows more realistic lighting effects. This will enable the glow property for boxes, which allows them to emit light.


The amount and colour of the light that comes from the environment, like the sun. By default, there is no ambient light if advanced lighting is enabled.

Top and bottom fog

Specifies the top and bottom fog colour when testing this segment in Quick Test.

Note: While this uses the fogcolor property, Quick Test cannot load templates so this property cannot be inherited from a template.

Menu segment mode

If this segment should be displayed on the main menu as a checkpoint preview, this should be enabled to prevent visual errors.

This causes the mesh file to be larger, but is useful when making segments for display on the main menu where culling prevents some faces from being seen.

Ambient occlusion

This enables the effect where corners have shadows due to light being blocked by surrounding objects.

This will look somewhat different from an official segment and is subject to change to make it look closer; however, it should be alright to use. (Technically, this is due to using a different method to find light at a point.)


  1. This setting is retained for segments that used older versions of Blender Tools which either did not have mesh baking (pre-0.107.x) or did not have accurate mesh baking (pre-1.99.x) and where the stone hack was available. It might still be wanted in some cases; for example, using this it would be possible to make glass boxes.