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Creating Boxes

knot126 edited this page May 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

Boxes (sometimes called stone, especially on the Smash Hit Wiki) are one of the five types of entities in Smash Hit. Boxes can be used to create walls, floors, ceilings and other structures.

Object Properties

Screenshot from 2022-05-11 23-40-52


See also: Templates

This is the template that the box will use. It can only be edited if you have not checked the box as visible.

Note: This feild is not seen in the image to the right since visible is checked.


Visible controls weather the box will be seen in the mesh that is exported and allows overriding box templates for this specific box.

If visible is not checked, the box will only be visible if you have set a valid template. The more important implication of this is that if you do not type a template and visible is not checked, the box will be invisible.

If visible is checked, you will be able to adjust the below settings for only this box and will be unable to specify a template.


The colour controls the box colour. If you select Uniform, then you will be changed to per-axis mode, where you can adjust the colours of the sides of the box individually.


See also: Tiles on Smashing Tech

The tile is the image that will be displayed on the box. There are 64 available tiles to use by default, which can be seen in the article linked above. They vary from the more abstract tiles used in the game to wood used in the floor of the moregames menu - and there is also the back of a basketball hoop, if you want that.

If you select Uniform, then you will be changed to per-axis mode, where you can adjust the tiles of the sides of the box individually.

Transforms: Tile size

The tile size is the scale of the tiles on each side, where the order of the sides is Right-Left Top-Bottom Front-Back.

Transforms: Tile orientation

Tile orientation will adjust the rotation of tiles on each side, where the order of the sides is Right-Left Top-Bottom Front-Back.

This rotation is not free and is restricted to 90 degree increments, represented by numbers 0 to 3. Note that the rotation is equal to (orientation number * 90) degrees.


The reflective option affects weather or not the box will show reflections of some objects, which makes the box look shiny. An example of the reflections is best seen in Checkpoint 1, where there are many reflections.

Design Tips

  • Try to use templates if possible. This will make your work a lot easier since you won't have to change every box if you want to change the colour of many boxes that share the same colour.
  • Try to spread boxes in a way that gives the impression that the floor is not perfectly flat. This will make your levels look more natural.