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foomin10 edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 7 revisions

Finding documentation for a check

Each individual ShellCheck issue has its own wiki page, like these: SC1000, SC1001, ..., SC2236.

GitHub Wiki does not support enumerating them on a page, so to find the one you're interested in, you can do any of the following:

  • They are enumerated in this gist (orig, fork1).
  • Use the "> Pages" menu on the right (desktop) or below (mobile) and search for the error code, e.g. SC2086.
  • Visit an arbitrary issue and edit the URL in your browser.
  • Trigger the issue on and click/tap the issue id.

A few older issues may still be missing a wiki page. If you find one, file an issue and we'll be happy to add it.


Each individual ShellCheck warning has its own wiki page like SC1000. Use GitHub Wiki's "Pages" feature guerraart8 to find a specific , or see Checks.

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