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Daniel Walnut edited this page Jul 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

Communication between Photon to Server

In order to achieve the high connection speed necessary for real-time streaming of robot data, utilizing the cloud or HTTP requests is not enough. A fast socket connection is necessary

For that reason, the Photon is also acting as a TCP Server. The TCP client is a Node.js Application, which acts as a middle-man between the Robot and the Web Interface.

The TCP Server is capable of:

  • Streaming data
  • Responding to specific requests using unique message identification through random hashes

Because the Photon does not have a static IP address, the TCP connection needs help from the cloud.

Photon, as soon as it becomes online, will publish its IP address to a secure location in the Particle Cloud through an API (which was given by the manufacturer). This IP address is used to establish connection.

This server will stream all measurements from the Infoboard (Please read README in Photon folder for more), and will update the parameters on requests from the Node.js Application.

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