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Z1.0 and Z2.5 Calculation

Philip Maechling edited this page Sep 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

When we receive values from the UCVM data source, we will check them by plotting and comparing with previous versions. We need separate files for Z1.0 and Z2.5 in meters.

The binary files are 4 byte float, little endian, fast XY, no rotation. Here are the formulas for lat/lon at a given x/y index:

lon = xIndex * gridSpacing + minLon lat = yIndex * gridSpacing + minLat

and for calculating the file position for a given xIndex/yIndex:

filePos = 4 * (nx * yIndex + xIndex)

The first data point is bottom left (at minX, minY).

Previously we were working on generating these files with the python version of UCVM. We need binary regular meshes, which David generated for from both codebases. If you want to proceed in parallel and you find the regular mesh generation utility in UCVMC, here are the parameters that specify the regions:

CCA: minLat = 33.35 minLon = -123 nx = 1551 ny = 1201 gridSpacing = 0.005

4.26: minLat = 31; minLon = -121; nx = 1701; ny = 1101; gridSpacing = 0.005;

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