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Test Cases Mesh and Grid

Philip Maechling edited this page Sep 12, 2021 · 19 revisions


Tool commands

The ucvm_bin/utilities directory contains couple of utility tools

  • - A tool that creates an ASCII grid file with 3272481 mesh points for a large region of western US and writes it to file grd.out.
  • - A tool that generate a set of grid points and retrieve material properties with ucvm_query and write the result to a txt file

This utility creates an ASCII grid file with 3272481 mesh points and writes it to file grd.out. This can take 30 minutes to complete when you run it.

  • Starting Directory: ucvm installation/utilities
  • Usage: ./

The grd.out file is used as input to the script. That script inputs the grd.out file and queries each velocity model for material properties at each of the grid points. It also times how long it takes to do each retrieve.

  • MAX_DEPTH=20000
  • MIN_LON=-130.0
  • MAX_LON=-110.0
  • MIN_LAT=26.0
  • MAX_LAT=46.0

Test Grid Coverage Region

TEST commands

The ucvm_bin/utilities directory contains several test scripts

  • - A script that generates a big mesh and query installed crustal models and time how long it takes to populate a given large grid

This utility will input the out.grd file, and query each velocity model and time the results.

Running to Test Speed to populate grid from different CVM

  • First, the script calls ./ to create an out.grd file that will be used in the next step. This is a time consuming script that makes a mesh for a large region of western US.
  • Next, ucvm_query is invoked like this one:
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m %s < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_%s.out

Inputs the out.grd file and creates and mesh_[cvm_name].out that has material properties assigned. The grid/mesh is 32 million points.

Example Results (USC HPC Center)

-bash-4.2$ ./
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m bbp1d < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_bbp1d.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model bbp1d : 99 seconds
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m 1d < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_1d.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model 1d : 57 seconds
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_cvms.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model cvms : 242 seconds
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms5 < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_cvms5.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model cvms5 : 76 seconds
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmsi < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_cvmsi.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model cvmsi : 267 seconds
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_cvmh.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model cvmh : 98 seconds
../bin/ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cencal < ../utilities/out.grd > mesh_cencal.out
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
Mesh extraction for model cencal : 1016 seconds
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