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Test Cases GTL

Philip Maechling edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 16 revisions

Show that CVM-S4.26 configuration file flag defaults to no GTL.

Standard use of CVM-S4.26 is accessing the tomography model without modification. Query the CVM-S2.26 model and confirm that no Vs values below about 800m/s.

First, set the model/cvms5/data/config file GTL flag to off:

# UTM Zone
utm_zone = 11

# Model directory
model_dir = s5

# GTL on or off?
gtl = off

# Number of cells in x, y, and z.
nx = 1536
ny = 992
nz = 100

We use plot_cross_section, and slice through the LA Basin CVM-S4.26 coverage area, and confirm that the returned Vs values have no values within the GTL region in the top 350m

-bash-4.2$ ./ -b 34.0,-118.0 -u 34.5,-117.5 -h 100 -v 10 -d vs -c cvms5 -a s -s 0 -e 500
Using parameters:

lat1 = 34.0
data_type = vs
lat2 = 34.5
cvm_selected = cvms5
ending_depth = 500
horizontal_spacing = 100
color = s
lon1 = -118.0
vertical_spacing = 10
lon2 = -117.5
starting_depth = 0

Retrieving data. Please wait...

We also check the return values in the ucvm combined data column to determine whether the gtl values are shown as native model values, or as combined gtl values.

Show that CVM-S4.26 model can add a GTL by setting a configuration flag.

We use to show GTL values from CVM-S4.26

-bash-4.2$ ./ -b 34.0,-118.0 -u 34.5,-117.5 -h 100 -v 10 -d vs -c cvms5 -a s -s 0 -e 500
Using parameters:

lat1 = 34.0
data_type = vs
lat2 = 34.5
cvm_selected = cvms5
ending_depth = 500
horizontal_spacing = 100
color = s
lon1 = -118.0
vertical_spacing = 10
lon2 = -117.5
starting_depth = 0

Retrieving data. Please wait...

Verify that the gtl=on flag returns the GTL as native model, and does not appear in the combined column.

Show that UCVM can add an external GTL to the CVM-S4.26 model.

The CVM-S4.26 model can add the Ely-Jordan GTL as an external modification.

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms5,elygtl:ely -z 0,350 < ucvm_socal_test_pts.txt > cvms5_elygtl_res.txt

Show that the CVM-H model with added GTL (not the ucvm.conf USE_GTL flag) impacts the combined data column.

When UCVM adds an external GTL to the CVM-H model, the combined_data columns return the results.

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms5,elygtl:ely -z 0,350 < ucvm_socal_test_pts.txt > cvms5_elygtl_res.txt

Show that the ucvm_query add GTL flag with CVM-H produces results equivalent to CVM-H USE_GTL flag

Query CVM-H with USE_GTL flag. Query it again adding external GTL. Show final results are identical.

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh,elygtl:ely -z 0,350 < ucvm_socal_test_pts.txt > cvmh_elygtl_res.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh < ucvm_socal_test_pts.txt > cvmh_gtl_true_res.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
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