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Component Event Functions

Alan edited this page Mar 11, 2017 · 3 revisions

NOTE: THIS IS A WIP! These functions when declared in your code are called by the engine on specific events. Note: signatures have to match.

Initialization Events

Function Details
Start() Called when the component is added to a scene node. Other components may not yet exist.
DelayedStart() Called before the first update. At this point all other components of the node should exist. Will also be called if update events are not wanted; in that case the event is immediately unsubscribed afterward.

Termination Events

Function Details
Stop() Called when the component is detached from a scene node, usually on destruction. Note that you will no longer have access to the node and scene at that point.

Regular Update Events

Note that unlike Unity the delta of (change in) time is passed as a parameter and the function signature have to match that otherwise it won't be called.

Function Details
Update(float timeStep) Called on scene update, variable timestep.
PostUpdate(float timeStep) Called on scene post-update, variable timestep.
FixedUpdate(float timeStep) Called on physics update, fixed timestep.
FixedPostUpdate(float timeStep) Called on physics post-update, fixed timestep.

UI Events

Function Details

Physics Events

Function Details

Network Events

Function Details


HandleSceneUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)|Handle scene update event. Specific to Scene and scene nodes, not called if scene updates are disabled. HandleScenePostUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)|Handle scene post-update event. Specific to Scene and scene nodes, not called if scene updates are disabled.

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