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Sebastian Wilzbach edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 11 revisions

see also the Tools.


  • backbone: structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling
  • biojs-events: the recommended BioJS event system (= Backbone events)
  • biojs-io-clustal: CLUSTAL parser
  • biojs-io-fasta: FASTA parser
  • biojs-model: standard BioJS data schemes
  • biojs-vis-colorschemes: a collection of popular color schemes
  • blueimp_canvastoblob: convert canvas elements into Blob objects
  • browser-saveas: HTML5 Polyfill for saveAs
  • jbone: JavaScript Library for DOM manipulation. Replacement jQuery for Backbone in browsers (super light-weight!)
  • underscore: whole mess of useful functional programming helpers
  • tnt: phylogenetic tree visualizer
  • stat.seqs: allows various operations with sequences, including calculation of the consensus sequence
  • biojs-vis-seqlogo: sequence logo visualizer
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