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TatyanaGoldberg edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the MSAViewer wiki!

This wiki is also open source and even you can edit it :)

Information for Users

The MSAViewer is a quick and easy visualization and analysis tool for Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) data of any size. The User manual page provides information on how to use the MSAViewer and described its core features including interactive navigation through the alignment, application of popular color schemes, sorting, selecting and filtering.

Information for Developers

Important concepts

new: This talk gives a introduction into the Model-View concept used in this MSA viewer

New to the MSA


A good way to start is to have a look at the menu calls. Basically these calls show you how to interact with the MSA viewer.

The TOP-3 attributes of the MSA instance are:

  • seqs the sequences (a Backbone Collection)
  • el the element itself
  • g globals you might want to change interactively.

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