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TF edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 16 revisions


PORS allows to deploy and manage your splunk/cribl/... instances. This way you can use the full potential of PORS:

  1. deploy a new VM
  2. configure VM hardware
  3. install splunk/cribl/.. on that new VM
  4. configure splunk/cribl (e.g. make this splunk install a masternode, lm, ..)


For the latest guide checkout: Ansible Google Platform Guide

Basically it should be just:

su - pors
pip3 install --user requests google-auth
cd /opt/pors
ansible-galaxy install -f -r roles/requirements_gcp.yml --force-with-deps

(PORS requires the more recent community version of GCP, i.e. not the builtin ansible implementation)

if you get an error with setuptools installation this might can be solved with a specific version:

pip install --user "setuptools==44.1.1"
(just an example. v44.1.1 is the latest working version for python2)



see above guide.

Current available Ansible modules (only a small subset is used in PORS) can be found: here


In theory it is possible to use multiple hosts files but PORS depends on 1 hosts file for each inventory.
For GCP you have the choice between the classical static one or the dynamic one (choose one).

activate the static inventory

mv /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/hosts.example-static /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/hosts
edit --> /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/hosts

activate the dynamic inventory

mv /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/hosts_dynamic.gcp.yml.example /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/hosts_dynamic.gcp.yml
edit --> /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/hosts_dynamic.gcp.yml

(replace <my-project> in all variables you find there (region, id, ..)

If you choose the dynamic inventory do not forget to modify /etc/profile.d/ to point to hosts_dynamic.gcp.yml instead of hosts

configure googlecp in the variable section


add the credentials to your vault

ansible-vault edit /opt/pors_data/inventories/production/group_vars/all/vault.yml --ask-vault-pass

Initialize the vm_recipes


to initialize the defaults and your custom hardware configuration settings.

Recommended hardware setup (vm_recipes)

Most important variable here is the GCP machine type defined in pors_hardware-config_<role>.config:


As the type depends on the splunk role it should be set in every role specific hardware-config file.
The PORS default is to take the VMCPU value (n1-standard-${VMCPU}) but it can be adjusted as you like (or set to any custom type).

The following are splunk's and PORS recommendations, types marked with a (*) are the most preferred ones while it always depends on your own requirements, of course.

splunk's recommendations:


  • n1-standard-16 -> Up to 100 GB / day
  • n1-standard-32 * -> 100 -250 GB / day

Searchhead, Active Input (db-connect etc):

  • n1-standard-16 * -> Up to 100 concurrent(!) users (also depends on saved searches schedule)
  • n1-standard-32 -> 100 -250 concurrent(!) users (also depends on saved searches schedule)

DeploymentServer, LicenseMaster, MasterNode, MonitoringConsole:

  • n1-standard-8 | n1-highcpu-8 *
extended PORS recommendations:

SHC Deployer:

  • n1-standard-2 *


  • n1-standard-4 -> Up to 50 GB / day (highly depends on TA load)
  • n1-highcpu-8 * -> 50 - 100 GB / day (highly depends on TA load)
  • n1-standard-16 -> 100 -200 GB / day (highly depends on TA load)