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Nikolaos Dimopoulos edited this page Feb 5, 2017 · 8 revisions

Schema Changes

Changes to the database that you need to make if your Phosphorum version is...

  • Older than 2.0.0: schemas/upgrade-to-2.0.0.sql
  • Older than 2.0.1: schemas/upgrade-to-2.0.1.sql
  • Older than 3.3.0: schemas/upgrade-to-3.3.0.sql

Using Composer

Phosphorum's composer.lock file (along with composer.json) are committed to the GitHub repository. Having it in the repository ensures that each developer is using the same versions as the rest. Therefore, the development environment, for each developer, will always install the correct dependencies and versions of.

After you pulled latest changes from the git repository you will have to run:

# The Right Way
$ composer install

instead of

# The Wrong Way
$ composer update

The following command needs to be executed for production environments:

$ composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-suggest -o --no-dev