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Meeting Notes (2020 10 13)

Alex McLain edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Need to figure out a project structure

    • Sibling folder to lib called keyboards. Mix project-like structure.
      • We could have a set of officially supported keyboards this way.
      • It has a lot of issues.
      • All of the systems end up using the same mix.lock file, which causes issues.
        • If we pinned down versions in the mix file could we avoid using the lock file?
      • Had multiple targets working, but they were targeting the same nerves system. They both have to be updated to the same level at the same time.
      • Hook could let us switch out dependencies per target.
      • Do keyboard and LED implementations need to happen in their own project, or is Xebow the top-level project and the implementations are git submodules?
      • RGBMatrix was meant to be its own library.
      • Architecture
        • Web UI (Phoenix) needs to move into the library layer
        • A generic keyboard module should be in the library
      • Plugin model?
      • System layers (diagram)
        • Keyboard and RGBMatrix are optional components of the Xebow library. Either or both could be implemented per keyboard.
  • Repos

  • Keyboard naming

    • "Nerves Keyboard" - The community is already calling it this.
  • How do we make development faster/easier considering Phoenix is a dependency?

    • Other libraries are doing this (VintageNet Wizard)
  • Dev-68 Firmware

    • v2.8 isn't working; USB gadget isn't coming up. Might be an Elixir 1.11 upgrade issue (application start order + Nerves issues with this).
  • LED matrix driver

    • Focus on supporting the PWM mode. Auto-breathe mode can come later if we need it.
    • with statements vs. bang methods
      • Bang methods would be good for pipelining functions together, since the state should be captured after each function is called.
    • A nice thing about holding onto a struct as a ref is that a single GenServer can own all of the driver ICs on the I2C bus.


System Layers