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Start a New Witness

Jaron Swab edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 4 revisions

I'll be making a new walk through video with these updates as soon as development is complete with the new features. If at anytime while using this guide, these instructions are unclear or you get stuck please message me on Discord.

  1. Login to your new server; the host should provide you with root access details.
  2. Download the latest release of
    • wget
    • Change v1.0.0 to the most recent version as listed on the releases page.
  3. Run the script sh
  4. Once completed; logout and log in as the new user you created during the setup.
  5. Open the tackle directory: cd tackle
  6. sh
  7. You will be asked What do you wish to run?
  • Type witness (lowercase)
  1. Press ctrl+b then 1 to access the wallet window.
  2. ./
  3. set_password *PickPassphrase*
  4. unlock <password set with set_password>
  5. import_key *Your Whaleshares Private Active Key*
  6. suggest_brain_key
    • This will give you three keys. A private brain key (all words), a private WIF, and a Public WIF in that order from top to bottom.
    • Save these in a safe place. If you can I recommend encrypting them.
  7. import_key *Private WIF*
    • Use the private WIF from the suggested brain key command above.
  8. ctrl+b 0 to go back to the previous Tmux window
  9. ./
    • Vim is also included in the Docker if you prefer that editor. Use ./ vim
  10. Find the line that says #witness =
    • remove the # and add your Whaleshares username
    • eg. witness = "jrswab"
    • Quotes are required.
  11. Find the line that says #private-key =
    • remove the # and add your private WIF we got from the wallet in step 10.
    • eg. private-key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    • No quotes around the key.
  12. Save and exit the config
    • In nano: ctrl + x then y to save the press enter to execute.
  13. Run ./
    • Now the witness is running. Wait until you see handled block ] Got 1 transactions on block showing on the screen. Once you see them you can now enable your witness.
  14. ctrl+b then 1 to go back to the screen with your wallet.
  15. update_witness "username" "url" "Public Key" {} true
    • Replace username and url with your information.
    • The "Public Key" is the public key we got from the wallet in step 10.
    • Copy and paste the command into the CLI_Wallet.
    • Wait for it to broadcast. You will see some yellow words scroll by and then a group of grayish-white text.

Now you can go back to the feed with ctrl+b then 0 to see the blocks! Congrats! You are a witness now!

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