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Moving a Non Tackle Witness to Tackle

Jaron Swab edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Disable your witness
    • update_witness "username" "url" "SMK1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {} true
    • Replace username and url with your information.
    • Copy and paste the command into the CLI_Wallet.
    • Wait for it to broadcast. You will see some yellow words scroll by and then a group of grayish-white text.
  2. Close your wallet with ctrl+d if open.
  3. Shut down smoked with ctrl+c.
  4. Make a copy of your smoke directory:
    • cp -r wls ~/wlsbackup
  5. Download the latest release of
    • wget
    • Change v1.0.0 to the most recent version as listed on the releases page.
  6. Run the script sh
  7. Once completed; logout and log in as the new user you created during the setup.
  8. Make a Tackle Directory: mkdir tackle
  9. Open the Tackle directory: cd tackle
  10. ./
    • To specify ports just add them to the end eg. ./ 20001 28090
    • If no ports are specified the script will expose port 2001 to 20001 and port 8090 to 28090.
  11. Leave Tackle ctrl+c (twice)
  12. Remove the docker instance
  • docker rm Tackle
  1. Delete the created wls directory
  • rm -rf wls
  • !Make sure you are in the Tackle directory we created before running this command!
  1. Copy your backed up wls directory to it's new location
  • cp ~/wlsbackup ~/tackle/wls
  1. ./
  2. ./ and wait for your witness to catch up with the chain.
  3. ctrl+b 1 to change to the wallet window.
  4. ./
  5. Unlock the wallet with your secret passphrase.
  6. Re-enable your witness.
  7. Lock your wallet (whaled will run fine even if the wallet is locked and it's safer)

To get back to the smoked screen to see the blocks fall into place type ctrl+b 0.

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