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2.1.04 Build From GitHub Repo

lrrajesh edited this page Sep 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Please review the sections on "Build Dependencies" and "Pre-build Configurations" before actually starting to build.

The recommended install route is to build and install from the source RPM. However, you can build directly from the GitHub repo as well.

Following GNU build tools minimum versions are requirement for configuring and building Sensys from the GitHub development repo.

It is recommended to download and install the .tar.gz file of each, untar and run the following:

shell$ ./configure [--prefix <install_folder>]
shell$ make

Run the following as root user if current user does not have write permissions to install folder

shell$ make install

Building from repo also requires:

flex libnl libtool-ltdl m4 patch xz

Following are the steps for building sensys from the github repo. Before building create an account in the github. Clone the sensys repo from the github branch.

shell$ git clone
shell$ git clone https://<username>

shell$ cd orcm
shell$ ./
shell$ mkdir build  
      Note: User can create the build folder where ever they want 
shell$ cd build
shell$ ../configure \
        --with-platform=../contrib/platform/intel/hillsboro/orcm-linux \

The file pointed to by --with-platform= holds a list of configure options. See configure --help for the full list of options.

shell$ make

Run the following as root user if current user does not have write permissions to install folder

shell$ make install

This will install the files under /usr/local unless the optional (but recommended) prefix is used.

The RPM file stores the default configure switches that are used when building the source RPM and can be used as a reference when building directly from the GitHub repo. That file can be found here:

The recommended minimum settings when running configure on GitHub based installs:


These are additional configure options that also can be used but are not required:

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