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Why it is not listed in official Flipper Application Catalog?

Alexander Kopachov edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Flipper Authenticator application was in official Flipper Application Catalog up until 9/27/2023. On 9/27/2023 it was delisted from Flipper Application Catalog by its maintainers.

I WAS NOT officially and publicly notified about the reasons behind this decision. HOWEVER I WAS notified privately that this happened because description of the application has a link to discord server where I proposed a help to a people if they have any questions\problems running my application.


It appeared that maintainers of Flipper Application Catalog do not like this discord server link. And even though this does not violate any of contribution guidelines, and a lot of people really got help on that discord server, maintainers of Flipper Application Catalog still decided to delist Flipper Authenticator application from their catalog just because of some bad attitude to the given discord server.

As an original author of Flipper Authenticator application I decided to do not obey and to do not delete a link to the discord server from app description because of the following reasons:

  1. I strongly believe in a freedom and human rights to choose what to use\read\watch and etc.
  2. I strongly believe that nobody should follow the lead of censorship and dictatorship.
  3. I strongly believe that it is necessary to be able to accept criticism and disagreement with your own opinion instead of trying to censor somebody or shut somebody's mouth

Overall, I'm not going to obey any sort of censorship on my own app, given that I did not violate any legal rules or laws.

If one day Flipper Application Catalog maintainers change their mind, stop censorship and stop dictating authors how their apps should be described, formatted, and structured then I'll definitely return it back to the Flipper Application Catalog and will be maintaining it there. Up until then I'll still continue maintaining Flipper Authenticator app and everybody will be able to get latest and greatest version from its official github repo.

Update 10/13/2023

Flipper Devices restricted discussion on the pull request where they delisted Flipper Authenticator from catalog with pretty nice explanation:


That's exactly what you all should know about Flipper Devices censorship practices.

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