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Is there a token input automation?

Alexander Kopachov edited this page Mar 21, 2023 · 5 revisions


Manual typing codes is boring. So Flipper Authenticator supports token input automation 😀

First of all you need to pick the code which you would like to be automatically typed. Then you have two possible options:

Automate via USB (BadUSB)

To do that you need to connect your Flipper Zero device to the device where you want your code to be entered via USB. And then hold button for 1-2sec.

This option is enabled by default. You can always enable or disable it via settings menu of the app or via CLI

Automate via Bluetooth (BadBT)

To do that you need to pair Flipper Zero device to the device where you want your code to be entered while running Flipper Authenticator application. And then hold button for 1-2sec.

This option is disabled by default. You can always enable or disable it via settings menu of the app or via CLI. Also this option could be physically disabled by using appropriate edition of Flipper Authenticator FAP file

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