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Ventilator Glossary

Martin Shetty edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

For a deeper understanding of how ventilators work, see Recommended reading. E.g. this textbook and this ventilator manual both contain a glossary section.

Below is a subset of some particularly common terms used in our project.

How to use this page

  • If you see a definition that is wrong/incomplete, edit it.
  • If you don't know something but figure it out, add it here.
  • If you don't know something and can't figure it out, add it here with a TODO and someone else will fill it in.


Command Pressure mode - TODO fill in what this means. This is the only mode we're supporting in Alpha. Parameters: PEEP, PIP, RR, I:E, Rise time.

Pressure Control mode - same as Command Pressure.

Pressure Assist (Pressure Trig) mode - TODO fill this in.

Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) mode - TODO fill this in.

Pressure-Regulated Volume Control (PRVC) mode - TODO fill this in.


Patient pressure sensor - reads the absolute pressure value at the patient.

Inspiratory/Expiratory flow differential - read the pressure differential across a venturi flow meter for measuring respectively the rate of air flowing into and out of the patient.

Mode Parameters

PEEP - Positive End Expiratory Pressure, pressure in the lungs above atmospheric pressure that exists at the end of expiration.

PIP - Peak Inspiratory Pressure, highest level of pressure applied to the lungs during inhalation.

RR - Respiratory Rate, the number of breaths completed per minute. The typical respiratory rate for a healthy adult at rest is 12–18 breaths per minute.

I:E - The ratio of inspiration time vs exhalation time.

Rise time - TODO fill this in

TV - Tidal Volume, volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during breathing. See this diagram.

Flow - amount of gas delivered to the lungs per minute.

Inspiratory sensitivity - level of negative pressure (breathing effort) the patient has to apply to trigger a breath.

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