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zsotroav edited this page Feb 19, 2023 · 1 revision


Load or import a previously saved screen state (bin binary or bmp/png image)


Save or export the current screen state to a binary (bin), image (bmp/png), or Arduino main.cpp file.


Panel manipulations. Change the screen's size (in modules) or breakpoint


Edit the screen with built-in tools and utilities such as clear, invert, flip, or text/symbol insertion

Insert text

  1. Chose one of the available fonts
  2. Enter the text to be displayed into the textbox
  3. Set the offset (left margin) and end (right margin) for the text.
  4. Chose if you want the text centered or not.
  5. If the text is too large, insertion will fail and you have to try again with different settings.

Insert symbols

  1. Chose one of the available symbols
  2. Set the offset (left margin) and end (right margin) for the text.
  3. Chose if you want the symbol centered or not.
  4. If the symbol is too large, insertion will fail and you have to try again with different settings.


  • Set colors: Change the pixel's active/inactive colors.
  • Set defaults: Set or reset the default values that are used at startup.


See general information about the application such as a help link, source code, and credits.


This menu is used by optionally installed plugins. Each active plugin is listed as an item and clicking them will show their description, author, and link. Plugins may add extra options to the listed menu items or as a sub-item to their own plugin's entry in this menu point.

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