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CPP2PY: Automatically Generate Cython Wrapper from C/C++ Headers

Suppose that you have a C++ API like this

Point* getPoint(
    const int M, 
    const int N, 
    const int* top, 
    const int* _board, 

And you want to call it in Python like this

def get_point(
    M: np.int32,
    N: np.int32,
    top: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int32]],
    _board: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int32]],
) -> Point: ...

Then this tool is for you.


Detailed documentation is available here (in Chinese, as part of my bachelor thesis).

You can call this tool in cmd:

usage: cpp2py [-h] [--sources [SOURCES [SOURCES ...]]] [--modname [MODNAME]] [--outdir [OUTDIR]] [--incdirs [INCDIRS [INCDIRS ...]]]
              [--globals GLOBALS] [--nobuild] [--cleanup] [--genstub] [--encoding ENCODING] [--verbose]
              header [header ...]

positional arguments:
  header                C++ header files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sources [SOURCES [SOURCES ...]]
                        C++ implementation files
  --modname [MODNAME]   Name of the generated extension module
  --outdir [OUTDIR]     output directory
  --incdirs [INCDIRS [INCDIRS ...]]
                        Include directories for clang parser
  --globals GLOBALS     name of the object that holds global variables and litral macros
  --nobuild             only generate code instead of building simultaneously
  --cleanup             clear intermediate files after building successfully
  --genstub             generate stub file (.pyi)
  --encoding ENCODING   encoding of input files
  --verbose, -v         verbosity leve

or in Python API:

from cpp2py import make_cython_extention, Config


See examples and testcases for more information.


  • Global vars and literal macros are wrapped in the cvar object.
  • C/C++ enums are mapped to Python enums (cpdef enum).
  • C/C++ class/struct/union are mapped to Cython extension types.
    • Methods/Static Methods are wrapped
    • data members are mapped to Python property, static data members are wrapped like global variables
    • Single & Multiple inheritance
    • Abstract class
    • Operator overloading
  • C/C++ functions are mapped to Cython cpdef functions.
Python type => C++ type => Python type
× void ×
bool, int, float bool, char, short, int, long, float, double ... bool, int, float
numpy.ndarray int *, double *, ... its pointee
Iterable fixed-size array list
enum class enum enum class
class class/struct/union class (with construct copying)
class class/struct/union's pointer class
class pointer of class/struct/union's pointer ×
str char *, std::string str
Iterable[str] char** str
Mapping/Iterable std::vector, std::list, std::set, std::unordered_set, std::map, std::unordered_map, std::pair (only with str or numeric types) set, list, dict, tuple
complex std::complex complex
  • default values (only number/string literals)

  • void* can be handled once the underlying type is specified

  • const and left reference & qualifier will be ignored

  • Generate the corresponding Python stub file (.pyi)

  • Only the first wrappable one of the overloaded functions will be forwarding. However, overloaded functions and methods can be handled by the renames_dict field in config.

  • Only one of the identifiers with the same name from different namespaces will be wrapped.


  • C++ Template
  • C++ Smart pointer
  • Anonymous enum/union/struct
  • C function pointer


Ubuntu 20.04

Python 3.8 or newer

sudo apt install python3-pip libclang-12-dev
pip install -r requirement.txt
pip install .


pytest test


The type conversion module is largely referred to cythonwrapper. But much more features are implemented in this tool.


Automatically Generate Cython Wrapper from C/C++ Headers








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