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Apache Spark DNS connector provides itegration between DNS server and Apache Spark to access DNS data from Apache Spark


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Spark-DNS is Apache Spark data source for retrieving DNS A type records from DNS server by using zone transfers to retrieve data from DNS server.

The Spark DNS data source may operate on multiple DNS zones in single data frame. Due to nature of DNS zone transfer, data retrieval for single zone transfer cannot be done in parallel, though data from multiple zones is retrieved in parallel (each DNS zone is handled in different Spark partition of RDD)


  1. Learning Spark internals
  2. Just for fun
  3. Demo of how to implement Spark custom data source that does not support data polling from backing storage and/or have data with size that cannot be known without fetching entire data from backing storage


JDK 11 is required for building

./gradlew clean jar

Submitting application

spark-submit --jars spark-dns-1.0.0.jar
pyspark --jars spark-dns-1.0.0.jar

Reading data from DNS

Data source options

Option name Description default value Required
server DNS server address (IP or fqdn) N/A Y
port DNS server TCP port for zone transfers 53 N
organization Name of organization the DNS server relates to (free text) N/A Y
serial Initial DNS zone serial to start zone transfer with 0 N
zones Comma separated list of DNS forward zones N/A Y
timeout zone transfer timeout (in seconds) 10 N
xfr zone transfer type (case-insensitive): AXFR or IXFR IXFR N
ignore-failures if set to true, XFR errors will be ignored and no records will be returned. Values: true or false false N


 |-- action: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fqdn: string (nullable = true)
 |-- ip: string (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = false)
 |-- organization: string (nullable = false)
 |-- zone: string (nullable = false)
  1. action: one of following
    • AXFR - if DNS record was received from AXFR DNS zone transfer
    • IXFR_ADD - if DNS record was received from IXFR DNS zone transfer and it's a new record added to the DNS zone via DDNS
    • IXFR_DELETE - if DNS record was received from IXFR DNS zone transfer and the record was removed from DNS zone via DDNS
  2. fqdn: : FQDN of DNS record
  3. ip: IP of DNS record
  4. timestamp: timestamp of DNS zone transfer
  5. organization: organization name provided via data source options
  6. zone: DNS zone name the DNS record relates to

Usage examples

Spark API (PySpark)

>>> options = dict(server="",
               organization="Acme Inc.",

Spark SQL

>>> spark.sql("CREATE TABLE my_table USING dns OPTIONS (server='', port=53, zones='example.acme,', serial=1234567890, organization='Acme Inc.'), xfr='AXFR', timeout='60'")
>>> spark.sql("SELECT * FROM my_table").show(truncate=False)

Output example

Using xfr=axfr

|action|fqdn                      |ip           |timestamp              |organization|zone         |
|AXFR  |dns-server.example.acme.  |  |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |foo.example.acme.         | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |newhost1.example.acme.    | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |newhost2.example.acme.    | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |newhost3.example.acme.    | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |newhost4.example.acme.    | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |newhost5.example.acme.    | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |newhost6.example.acme.    ||2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |workstation1.example.acme.|  |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |workstation2.example.acme.|  |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|AXFR  |  |    |2021-03-01 23:28:18.093|Acme Inc.   | |
|AXFR  ||    |2021-03-01 23:28:18.093|Acme Inc.   | |
|AXFR  ||    |2021-03-01 23:28:18.093|Acme Inc.   | |
|AXFR  ||    |2021-03-01 23:28:18.093|Acme Inc.   | |
|AXFR  ||    |2021-03-01 23:28:18.093|Acme Inc.   | |

Using xfr=ixfr

|action      |fqdn                      |ip           |timestamp              |organization|zone         |
|IXFR_ADDED  |foo.example.acme.         | |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   |example.acme.|
|IXFR_DELETE |    |    |2021-03-01 23:28:17.499|Acme Inc.   ||

Updating DNS using Spark

Required data schema

 |-- action: string (nullable = false)
 |-- fqdn: string (nullable = false)
 |-- ip: string (nullable = false)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = false)
 |-- ttl: integer (nullable = false)


  1. The action field should have one of following values: IXFR_ADD/IXFR_DELETE.
  2. The timestamp field value indicates date+time of dns record update, e.g., if there're multiple updates for same DNS record (action+ip+fqdn), the update with most recent timestamp value will be taken.

Data sink options

Option name Description default value Required
server DNS server address (IP or fqdn) N/A Y
port DNS server TCP port for zone transfers 53 N
timeout zone transfer timeout (in seconds) 10 N

Usage examples

Spark API (PySpark)

>>> options = dict(server="",
>>> data.write.format("dns").options(**options).save()

Note: data DataFrame/Dataset should match the specified above schema:

 |-- action: string (nullable = false)
 |-- fqdn: string (nullable = false)
 |-- ip: string (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = false)
 |-- ttl: integer (nullable = false)

Spark SQL

>>> data.createTempView("data")
>>> spark.sql("CREATE TABLE output USING dns_update OPTIONS (server='', port=53, timeout=10)")
>>> spark.sql("INSERT INTO output TABLE data")

Note: data DataFrame/Dataset should match the specified above schema:

 |-- action: string (nullable = false)
 |-- fqdn: string (nullable = false)
 |-- ip: string (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = false)
 |-- ttl: integer (nullable = false)

Streaming write

When using Structured streaming write, each update/row should be "packed" as JSON to new column named "update" as shown below

>>> data = spark.readStream...load()
>>> data.printSchema()
 |-- action: string (nullable = false)
 |-- fqdn: string (nullable = false)
 |-- ip: string (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = false)
 |-- ttl: integer (nullable = false)

>>> updates = data.withColumn("update", F.to_json(F.struct(data.schema.fieldNames())))
>>> options = dict(server="",
>>> data.writeStream.format("dns_updates").options(**options).option("checkpointLocation", "...").start()

Features and limitations


  1. Providing multiple DNS servers in options for same the same dataset/table is currently not supported
  2. Continuous Structured Streaming writing is not supported yet
  3. On Spark 2.4 (incl CDH 6.3.x) only batch reading is supported.

Currently implemented features

  1. Spark batch read
  2. Retrieving DNS A records from multiple DNS zone (though from single DNS server)
  3. New DNS SOA serial of DNS zone is available in Accumulator via Spark UI (refer to relevant stage)
  4. Spark Structured Streaming read support (Only trigger Once and ProcessingTime are supported)
  5. Zone transfer timeout
  6. Specifying explicit zone transfer type (AXFR/IXFR) to use when retrieving data from DNS server.
    • When suing xfr=ixfr, only DNS zone updates from initial serial will be returned.
      • On Structured Streaming this may produce empty DataFrames on no updates
    • When using xfr=axfr, entire DNS zone A records will be returned
  7. Handling temporary failures during zone transfer (similar to failOnDataLoss in Spark+Kafka)
  8. Batch write support to send updates to DNS server: zone if derived from record/row FQDN
  9. Structured Streaming write support (Dataset::writeStream)

Upcoming features

  1. Transaction signatures support for DNS zone transfers (aka TSIGs)

Tested on

Spark version JDK DNS servers
Official 3.0.1 (2.12) AdoptedJdk 11 Bind9, Windows DNS
Official 3.1.1 (2.12) AdoptedJdk 11 Bind9, Windows DNS


  1. DNS server setup
  2. Setup DNS server with dynamic updates from DHCP

Special thanks

Special thanks to Jacek Laskowski ( for teaching me Spark internals


Apache Spark DNS connector provides itegration between DNS server and Apache Spark to access DNS data from Apache Spark




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