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Neovim is an open source text editor that is a fork of Vim. It is designed to be highly customizable and extensible, and it has a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for editing text.

I use folke/lazy.nvim as my package manager.

The plugin folke/lazy.nvim is a plugin for Neovim that provides an easy way to manage plugins and configuration. It allows users to quickly install and update plugins, as well as customize their settings with a simple configuration file. It also provides an easy way to keep track of changes to the configuration, making it easier to keep your setup up-to-date.


This configuration has many plugins. First, clone this repository. Then, check if one plugin should have extra steps to install. here are some of them:

  1. vim-dap(you should install gdb)
  2. sniprun(clang should be installed)
  3. run Mason to install lsp server


The leader key for this configuration is the space bar.

The following are some of the keybindings:

Mode Key remaps
n <A-i> <CMD>lua require("FTerm").toggle()
t <A-i> <C->lua require("FTerm").toggle()
n <F9> :lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()
n <leader>bb :JABSOpen
n <leader>db :lua require'dap'.continue()
n <leader>ga :HopAnywhere
n <leader>gl :HopLine
n <leader>gw :HopWord
n <leader>ms :ShowMappings
n <leader>op :NvimTreeFocus
n <leader>xd TroubleToggle document_diagnostics
n <leader>xl TroubleToggle loclist
n <leader>xq TroubleToggle quickfix
n <leader>xw TroubleToggle workspace_diagnostics
n <leader>xx TroubleToggle
n \u UrlView
n gR TroubleToggle lsp_references
n X :SnipRun

Some significant plugins

There are some plugins in my configuration which are really helpful and I use them frequently.

  • tpope/vim-rsi/ for emacs keybinding in insert mode
  • Fterm for terminal
  • lazy.nvim for package manager
  • nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua
  • Telescope
  • SnipRun
  • Mason for install lspserver
  • vim-cmp
  • nvim-dap for debugging
  • orgmode and org-bullets
  • Glow for preview markdown


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