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Integrate Lich with Dagger2

This is a sample project that integrates Lich libraries with Dagger2. Please refer to the following documents for Lich libraries.

Manage Dagger's components with Lich Component

You can use Lich Component to manage Dagger's components. The following is sample code for managing the root Dagger component of an application (aka ApplicationGraph).

@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface ApplicationGraph {

    fun inject(activity: MainActivity)

    interface Factory {
        fun create(@BindsInstance applicationContext: Context): ApplicationGraph

    companion object : ComponentFactory<ApplicationGraph>() {
        override fun createComponent(context: Context): ApplicationGraph =

By doing this, you can get the instance of ApplicationGraph by context.getComponent(ApplicationGraph). You no longer need to implement a custom Application class to hold the instance of ApplicationGraph.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var sampleServiceClient: SampleServiceClient

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // snip...

Using Lich Component makes it easy to mock ApplicationGraph.

class MainActivityTest {

    fun testSampleServiceClient() {
        val mockServiceClient = mockk<SampleServiceClient> {
            // snip...
        mockComponent(ApplicationGraph) {
            val slot = slot<MainActivity>()
            every { inject(capture(slot)) } answers {
                slot.captured.sampleServiceClient = mockServiceClient

        ActivityScenario.launch( { scenario ->
            scenario.onActivity { activity ->
                assertSame(mockServiceClient, activity.sampleServiceClient)
                // snip...

Manage components for Dynamic Feature Modules

You can also use Lich Component to manage Dagger's components in Dynamic Feature Modules like this:

@Component(dependencies = [ApplicationGraph::class])
interface FooFeatureGraph {

    fun inject(activity: FooFeatureActivity)

    interface Factory {
        fun create(applicationGraph: ApplicationGraph): FooFeatureGraph

    companion object : ComponentFactory<FooFeatureGraph>() {
        override fun createComponent(context: Context): FooFeatureGraph =

 * A Scope for singleton objects in the `foo_feature` module.
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME)
annotation class FooFeatureScope
class FooFeatureActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var fooFeatureService: FooFeatureService

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // snip...

Instantiate ViewModels using Dagger2

You can use Dagger2 to instantiate ViewModels.

First, create a Dagger subcomponent that has provision methods for your ViewModel classes. The subcomponent must have a factory that takes SavedState as an argument.

 * A Dagger subcomponent that instantiates ViewModels in the `app` module.
interface AppViewModelsGraph {

    fun sampleViewModel(): SampleViewModel

    interface Factory {
        fun create(@BindsInstance savedState: SavedState): AppViewModelsGraph

Then, add a provision method for the subcomponent's factory to a component such as ApplicationGraph.

@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface ApplicationGraph {

    fun viewModelsGraphFactory(): AppViewModelsGraph.Factory

    interface Factory {
        fun create(@BindsInstance applicationContext: Context): ApplicationGraph

    companion object : ComponentFactory<ApplicationGraph>() {
        override fun createComponent(context: Context): ApplicationGraph =

Finally, you can get an instance of the ViewModel like this:

class SampleViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val context: Context,
    savedState: SavedState,
    private val sampleServiceClient: SampleServiceClient
) : AbstractViewModel() {

    private val message: String by savedState.initial("")

    // snip...

    companion object : ViewModelFactory<SampleViewModel>() {
        override fun createViewModel(context: Context, savedState: SavedState): SampleViewModel =
class SampleActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val sampleViewModel by viewModel(SampleViewModel)

    // snip...


A sample project using Lich with Dagger2.






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