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▶️ telestion-application
:arrow_forward: telestion-application
Everything related to the telestion-application module
autorelease: pending
autorelease: pending
autorelease: tagged
autorelease: tagged
⚫ wontfix
:black_circle: wontfix
This will not be worked on
💣 breaking
:bomb: breaking
Issue or PR that includes breaking changes
📚 documentation
:books: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🍒 on top
:cherries: on top
A feature which doesn't impact the code in a meaningful way but the developer likes it more
👏 help wanted
:clap: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
📋 telestion-example
:clipboard: telestion-example
Everything related to the telestion-example module
🚧 bug
:construction: bug
Something isn't working
👓 tests
:eyeglasses: tests
Tests for the project
🔗 dependencies
:link: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🚫 invalid
:no_entry_sign: invalid
This doesn't seem right
📄 java
:page_facing_up: java
Pull requests that update Java code
☝️ question
:point_up: question
Further information is requested
📌 security
:pushpin: security
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability
❓ needs info
:question: needs info
This issue or pull request needs more information
♻️ duplicate
:recycle: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🚀 deployment
:rocket: deployment
Pull request updating the pipeline
🏃 github_actions
:runner: github_actions
Pull requests that update Github_actions code
🧰 telestion-utils
:toolbox: telestion-utils
Everything related to the telestion-utils module
🎩 telestion-services
:tophat: telestion-services
Everything related to the telestion-services module
🌷 enhancement
:tulip: enhancement
New feature or request
🔀 unrelated
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: unrelated
Doesn't directly fit to this project. Should be somewhere better but this place doesn't exist yet.
🔧 telestion-api
:wrench: telestion-api
Everything related to the telestion-api module