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Event data html data

Christopher Majewski edited this page Jun 30, 2013 · 8 revisions


This is an implementation guide for the W3C's "semantic web" attribute level extensions for the Government of Canada's Web Interoperability standard. This guide includes descriptions of core types, their key properties, type examples, general property standards and full page samples.

This document is written for implementers with an understanding of the Lite Resource Description Framework (RDFa Lite) and the vocabulary. Use examples directly from below. If you need a variation, modification, extension or less detail for your context, you should understand the proper syntax. You will also be required to follow all base design choices and property standards.

Base design choices

The interoperability and resiliancy of exposed data relies on a consistent implementation of the structure and the data used for key elements.

Explicit type definitions

Data types can be defined implicitly or explicitly. Implicit definitions do not specify type but instead rely on the parser to infer intent. Without an in-depth understanding of what parsers will assume across all platforms unexpected consequences are inevitable.

To simplify the implementation and to encourage consistent results types are to be defined, as recommended, explicitly using the "typeof" attribute and proper nesting.

The following example demonstrates proper nesting. Each level's type is defined with "typeof".

	<span typeof="MatryoshkaDoll">
		<span typeof="name">Large Doll</span>

		<span typeof="MatryoshkaDoll">
			<span typeof="name">Medium Doll</span>

			<span typeof="MatryoshkaDoll">
				<span typeof="name">Small Doll</span>

				<span typeof="MatryoshkaDoll">
					<span typeof="name">Tiny Doll</span>

Strict key definitions

Key properties are the links between objects, the interoperability of exposed data relies on the existence and data consistency in those key fields. Authoritative sources and/or standards will be required for key fields to ensure consistency and maximize reliable linkages.

In the following example an Event defines three speakers which are linked to the three Person objects by matching email properties.

	<span typeof="Event">
		<span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">...</span>

		<span property="performer" typeof="Person">
			<span property="givenName">John</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
			<meta property="email" content="[email protected]" />	

		<span property="performer" typeof="Person">
			<span property="givenName">Jane</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
			<meta property="email" content="[email protected]" />	

		<span property="performer" typeof="Person">
			<span property="givenName">Jim</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
			<meta property="email" content="[email protected]" />	

	<p vocab="" typeof="Person">
		<span property="givenName">John</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
		<span property="jobTitle">Manager</span>
		<span property="location" typeof="Place">...</span>

		<span property="telephone">(888) 123-4567</span>
		<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>

	<p vocab="" typeof="Person">
		<span property="givenName">John</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
		<span property="jobTitle">Manager</span>
		<span property="location" typeof="Place">
			<span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">...</span>

		<span property="telephone">(888) 123-4567</span>
		<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>

	<p vocab="" typeof="Person">
		<span property="givenName">John</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
		<span property="jobTitle">Manager</span>
		<span property="location" typeof="Place">...</span>

		<span property="telephone">(888) 123-4567</span>
		<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>


Core types

WebPage []

The WebPage type is intended to expose the core elements HTML pages as to uniquely identify it, the freshness(need a better word) of it's content and the top task(s) it applies to.

Sole properties and additional navigational element
  • breadcrumb
  • mainContentOfPage
  • name
  • dateModified
  • SiteNavigationElement
		<body vocab="" typeof="WebPage">
			<span property="breadcrumb">
				<!-- breadcrumb elements -->

			<span property="mainContentOfPage">
				<h1 property="name">Name of document</h1>

				<!-- main content -->

			<span typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
				<!-- navigational elements -->

			Date modified: <time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2013-07-01T00:00:01+00:00">2013-07-01</time>


PostalAddress []

The PostalAddress type is intended to encapsulate a postal address as defined by Canada Post.

Key properties

For street address:


For post office box:


Street address:

	<span vocab="" typeof="PostalAddress">
		<span property="streetAddress">240, Sparks Street</span>,
		<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>, 
		<span property="addressRegion">ON</span>,
		<span property="addressCountry">CANADA</span>
		<span property="postalCode">K1A 0G6</span>

Rural route:

	<span vocab="" typeof="PostalAddress">
		<span property="streetAddress">RR 6 STN Main</span>,
		<span property="addressLocality">Millarville</span>, 
		<span property="addressRegion">AB</span>,
		<span property="addressCountry">CANADA</span>
		<span property="postalCode">T0L 1K0</span>

Post office box:

	<span vocab="" typeof="PostalAddress">
		<span property="postOfficeBoxNumber">PO BOX 4001 STN A</span>,
		<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>, 
		<span property="addressRegion">ON</span>, 
		<span property="addressCountry">CANADA</span>
		<span property="postalCode">V8X 3X4</span>

Person []

The Person type is intended to describe an individual. It is extendable for biographies, relationships and additional properties as described by

Key properties

Minimum contact:

	<p vocab="" typeof="Person">
	    <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>

General contact sheet:

	<p vocab="" typeof="Person">
		<span property="givenName">John</span> <span property="additional">D</span> <span property="familyName">Doe</span>
		<span property="jobTitle">Manager</span>
		<span property="location" typeof="Place">
			<span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
				<span property="streetAddress">240, Sparks Street</span>,
				<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>, 
				<span property="addressRegion">ON</span>,
				<span property="addressRegion">CANADA</span>
				<span property="postalCode">K1A 0G6</span>

		<span property="telephone">(888) 123-4567</span><br>
		<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>

Organization []

The Organization type is intended to describe an organization and may be extended to describe architectures.

Key properties

Minimum organization description:

	<p vocab="" typeof="Organization">
		<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>

Expanded organization description:

	<p vocab="" typeof="Organization">
		<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
		<span property="location" typeof="Place">
			<span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
				<span property="streetAddress">Parliament of Canada</span>,
				<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>, 
				<span property="addressRegion">ON</span>,
				<span property="addressRegion">CANADA</span>
				<span property="postalCode">K1A 0A9</span>

			Toll-free ( Canada ): <span property="telephone">(866) 599-4999</span><br>
			Telephone :  <span property="telephone">(613) 992-4793</span><br>
			TTY: <span property="telephone">(613) 995-2266</span><br>
			<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>


Place []

The Place type is intended to describe a place or venu. It is extendable to anything from a small office to a conference center with multiple simultanious events.

Key properties

Minimum place description:

	<span vocab="" typeof="Place">
		<span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
			<span property="streetAddress">Parliament of Canada</span>,
			<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>, 
			<span property="addressRegion">ON</span>,
			<span property="addressRegion">CANADA</span>
			<span property="postalCode">K1A 0A9</span>

Extended place example:

	<span vocab="" typeof="Place">
		<span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
			<span property="streetAddress">Parliament of Canada</span>,
			<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>, 
			<span property="addressRegion">ON</span>,
			<span property="addressRegion">CANADA</span>
			<span property="postalCode">K1A 0A9</span>

		Toll-free ( Canada ): <span property="telephone">(866) 599-4999</span><br>
		Telephone :  <span property="telephone">(613) 992-4793</span><br>
		TTY: <span property="telephone">(613) 995-2266</span><br>
		<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>		

Event []

The Event type is intended to describe an evnet. It is extendable from meetings with attendees to large scale events with performers.

Key properties

Minimum Event example:

	<span vocab="" typeof="Event">
	    <span property="location" typeof="Place">
	        <span property="description">Corner Brook, Newfoundland & Labrador City Hall</span><br>
	        <span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
	            <span property="streetAddress">5, Park Street</span>,<br>
	            <span property="addressLocality">Corner Brook</span>,<br>
	            <span property="addressRegion">Newfoundland and Labrador</span><br>

	    <time property="startDate" datetime="2012-12-07T15:00:00-04:00">
	        Date: 2013-06-07 EST<br>
	        Time: 3:00 p.m.<br>

Event with duration:

	<span vocab="" typeof="Event">
	    <span property="location" typeof="Place">
	        <span property="description">Corner Brook, Newfoundland & Labrador City Hall</span><br>
	        <span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
	            <span property="streetAddress">5, Park Street</span>,<br>
	            <span property="addressLocality">Corner Brook</span>,<br>
	            <span property="addressRegion">Newfoundland and Labrador</span><br>

	    <time property="startDate" datetime="2012-12-07T15:00:00-04:00">
	        Date: 2013-06-07 EST<br>
	        Time: 3:00 p.m.<br>

	    Duration:<time property="duration" datetime="PT3H00M">3h</time><br>

DataSet []

The DataSet type is intended to describe single pools of data. It's extendable to include encoding, intended audience, geospacial effect and much more.

Key properties

Minimum dataset:

	<span vocab="" typeof="DataSet">

		<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
			<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
		<span property="name">Mean visitors attendance by hour</span>

Extended dataset to include license and source URL:

	<span vocab="" typeof="DataSet">

		<meta property="url" content=""/>

		<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
			<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
		<span property="name">Mean visitors attendance by hour</span>

		<span property="license" tyepof="Webpage">
			<a href="">
			<span property="name">ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)</span>
			<meta property="url" content="" />


DataCatalog []

The DataCatalogue type is intended to describe collections of DataSets.

Key Properties

Minimum example:

	<span vocab="" typeof="DataCatalog">

		<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
			<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
		<span property="name">Visitor data</span>


Extended datacatalog to include datasets, a license and source URL:

	<span vocab="" typeof="DataCatalog">

		<meta property="url" content=""/>

		<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
			<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
		<span property="name">Visitor data</span>

		<span vocab="" typeof="DataSet">

			<meta property="url" content=""/>
			<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
				<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
			<span property="name">Mean visitors attendance by hour</span>


		<span vocab="" typeof="DataSet">

			<meta property="url" content=""/>
			<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
				<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
			<span property="name">Average visitors attendance by hour</span>


		<span vocab="" typeof="DataSet">

			<meta property="url" content=""/>
			<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
				<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
			<span property="name">Maximum visitors attendance by hour</span>


		<span vocab="" typeof="DataSet">

			<meta property="url" content=""/>
			<span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
				<span property="legalName">Parliament of Canada - Parlement du Canada</span>
			<span property="name">Minimum visitors attendance by hour</span>


		<span property="license" tyepof="Webpage">
			<a href="">
			<span property="name">ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)</span>
			<meta property="url" content="" />

		Toll-free ( Canada ): <span property="telephone">(866) 599-4999</span><br>
		Telephone :  <span property="telephone">(613) 992-4793</span><br>
		TTY: <span property="telephone">(613) 995-2266</span><br>
		<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span property="email">[email protected]</span></a>


Key property interactions

Undefined as of yet

Property standards

Canada Post Addressing Guidelines

Canada Post International Desitination Listing

Authoritative email

It would be preferable to have a central authority defining the email address but the Government Electronic Directory Service ( GEDS ) does not consistently expose email.

Until an authoritative source exists, implementers should ensure any email addresses are fully qualified.

Authoritative legalName


ISO8601 date, time or duration


A Treasury Board mandated ISO8601 date time such as 2012-12-07T15:00:00-04:00 representing December 7th 2012 at 15:00:00 with a time zone definition of -4 GMT ( EST ). If the timezone is not specified, assume it's local time.


A Treasury Board mandated ISO8601 date such as 2012-12-07 representing December 7th 2012.


A Treasury Board mandated ISO8601 time such as 15:00:00-04:00 representing 15:00:00 with a time zone definition of -4 GMT ( EST ). If the timezone is not specified, assume it's local time.


A Treasury Board mandated (ISO8601 duration)( such as PT3H30M which describes 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Date time policies

Full page samples

  • Coming soon...

Known issues

  • None


  • This is an beta document solely for internal use



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