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ViewModel-SavedState-ktx make easy handling saved state by delegated property.


ViewModel-SavedState-ktx is kotlin extensions of Saved State module for ViewModel.

What is ViewModel-SavedState

Up to now, UI states is usually stored in onSavedInstanceState and restored in onCreate. From now on, you can store and restore UI states by SavedStateHandle using ViewModel-SavedState.

Why use ViewModel-SavedState

ViewModel has been kept alive when configuration changes occurred, but ViewModel has been destroyed when Activity killed by OS. By using ViewModel-SavedState, ViewModel save its property when Activity killed by OS.

How to use ViewModel-SavedState

How to get SavedStateHandle

  • You can get a SavedStateHandle instance via ViewModel's constructor.

How to pass SavedStateHandle to ViewModel constructor

  • If you call by viewModels() in Activity or Fragment, SavedStateHandle is automatically passed.
    • The intent.extra or arguments is passed automatically to SavedStateHandle.
  • If you want to pass parameters other than SavedStateHandle or Application, SavedStateHandle into ViewModel's constructor, you pass a ViewModel's factory into by viewModels.
    • The ViewModel's factory needs to extend AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.
    • The intent.extra or arguments needs to pass manually to the ViewModel's factory if need it.

How to use SavedStateHandle

  • You can use a value by SavedStateHandle#get(key) and SavedStateHandle#set(key, value)
    • The value is initialized by value of same key in intent.extra or arguments.
  • You can use a LiveData instance by SavedStateHandle#getLiveData(key)
    • If you change the LiveData instance's value, a value of SavedStateHandle is changed.

Problems in ViewModel-SavedState

  • If you get a value by SavedStateHandle#get(key), you don't only change the value but also need to call SavedStateHandle#set(key, value).
  • SavedStateHandle requires a key to use.
    • The key needs to be same as a key of intent.extra or arguments.
  • SavedStateHandle has restrictions on available types.

Solutions by ViewModel-SavedState-ktx

  • When you change the value, SavedStateHandle#set(key, value) is automatically called by Delegated Properties.
  • ViewModel-SavedState-ktx don't requires a key to use SavedStateHandle. Instead, it uses property name.
    • It provides extension methods for specifying property name in Intent and Bundle.
  • You can use any type using SavedStateAdapter that converts between the type used in SavedStateHandle and the type actually used in ViewModel.


You can pass parameters of Intent or Bundle to ViewModel property by extension methods using its property reference.

class SampleActivity : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.sample_activity) {
    private val viewModel: SampleViewModel by viewModels()

    companion object {
        fun createIntent(context: Context): Intent = Intent(context, {
            it.putExtra(SampleViewModel::text, "sample")

You can get a value or a LiveData instance by delegated property using SavedStateHandle's extension methods.

class SampleViewModel(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() {
    val text: String by
    val count: MutableLiveData<Int> by savedStateHandle.liveData(defaultValue = 0)
    val timeUnit: MutableLiveData<TimeUnit?> by savedStateHandle.liveData(object : SavedStateAdapter<TimeUnit?, Int?> {
        override fun toSavedState(value: TimeUnit?): Int? = value?.ordinal
        override fun fromSavedState(state: Int?): TimeUnit? = state?.let { TimeUnit.values()[it] }


Maven Central

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.wada811.viewmodelsavedstatektx:viewmodelsavedstatektx:x.y.z'




-    implementation 'com.github.wada811:ViewModel-SavedState-ktx:x.y.z'
+    implementation 'com.wada811.viewmodelsavedstatektx:viewmodelsavedstatektx:x.y.z'


-import com.wada811.viewmodelsavedstate
+import com.wada811.viewmodelsavedstatektx


Copyright (C) 2019 wada811

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0