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Udagram Image Filtering Application

Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.

The project is split into two parts:

  1. Frontend - Angular web application built with Ionic Framework
  2. Backend RESTful API - Node-Express application

How to Run

Docker images

  1. cd udagram-deployment/docker
  2. Build the images: docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml build --parallel
  3. Push the images: docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml push
  4. Run the containers: docker-compose up


  1. cd udagram-deployment/k8s
  2. kubectl apply -f .

Docker Hub

Screenshot of DockerHub shows the images. dockerimages


  1. setup travis ci/cd travis

Service Orchestration with Kubernetes

  • A screenshots of kubectl commands show the Frontend and API projects deployed in Kubernetes.
    screenshots of kubectl commands

  • The output of kubectl get pods indicates that the pods are running successfully with the STATUS value Running.
    kubectl get all kubectlrunning

  • The output of kubectl describe services does not expose any sensitive strings such as database passwords. kubectldescribe

Debugging, Monitoring, and Logging

  • Screenshot of one of the backend API pod logs indicates user activity that is logged when an API call is made. curl localhost:8080/api/v0/users logapi


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