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IoC and DI for Vue powered by InversifyJS and inspired by Angular Module syntactic sugar.

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IoC and DI for Vue powered by InversifyJS and inspired by Angular @Module syntactic sugar.

Required Opinionated Stack


  1. Hierarchical IoC Container defined in @Module by providers (using InversifyJS under the hood). The hierarchy is bound to Vue components tree.
  2. Autostart - instantiating top level services when container has been started (for background tasks similar to @Effects from ngrx).
  3. @InjectReactive() - makes injected dependency 'deeply reactive' in Vue template.
  4. Instance Handlers - @PostConstruct and @BeforeDestroy - decorators for methods called when instance is created or destroyed by container.
  5. Custom Instance Handlers ie. @OnEvent('submitForm')
  6. providedIn 'root' or 'self' - select where will be bound @Injectable (friendly for tree shakeable singletons and lazy loaded @Modules)

Planned features (not ready yet)

  1. State Injectors for Vuex and MobX.
  2. vue-cli integration

Caveats / Limitations

  • @Module can be bound only to Vue component.
  • You can't use @Inject() for Vue component constructor arguments (because you can't define own constructor using vue-class-component). Only Vue component class fields are supported.


vue-ioc uses following peerDependencies:

  • inversify
  • reflect-metadata
  • vue-class-component
  • vue
npm install @vue-ioc/core inversify reflect-metadata vue-class-component vue --save

# Yarn
yarn add @vue-ioc/core inversify reflect-metadata vue-class-component vue

You must explicitly install vue-ioc via Vue.use() in your app main entrypoint:

// main.ts
import Vue from 'vue'
import {VueIocPlugin} from '@vue-ioc/core' 


Quick Start

Edit vue-ioc basic example

Create simple injectable service HttpService:

// ./services/HttpService.ts
import {Injectable} from '@vue-ioc/core';

export class HttpService {
    public get(url: string): Promise<any> {
        return fetch(url).then(rs => rs.json());

Add root container using @Module decorator at your top level App component and setup providers:

// App.vue
<script lang="ts">
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Component from 'vue-class-component'
    import {Module} from '@vue-ioc/core';
    import {HttpService} from './services/HttpService';
    import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue';
        providers: [
      components: { HelloWorld }
    export default class App extends Vue {

Inject HttpService to <HelloWorld> component:

// ./components/HelloWorld.vue
        <h2 v-if="user">Hello {{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}!</h2>
<script lang="ts">
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Component from 'vue-class-component'
    import {Inject} from '@vue-ioc/core';
    import {HttpService} from '../services/HttpService';

    export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {

        public httpService: HttpService;
        public user = null;

        public async created() {
            this.user =  await this.httpService.get('./hello.json');


    providers: [
        // useClass
        { provide: HttpService, useClass: HttpService },
        // useClass shortcut 
        // useValue
        { provide: HttpService, useValue: httpService },
        // useFactory
        { provide: HttpService, useFactory: (injector) => /* ...injector.get(FooService)... */ }


Default value: 'self' Available values: 'root', 'self'

@Injectable( { providedIn: 'root' } ) will bind service in root (App) container always as singleton.

You may also override this setting at @Module providers level in both directions:

    providers: [
        { provide: HttpService, useClass: HttpService, providedIn: 'root' },   // overrides @Injectable()
        { provide: OtherService, useClass: OtherService, providedIn: 'self' }, // overrides @Injectable( {providedIn: 'root'} )

Custom Instance Handlers

@PostConstruct() and @BeforeDestroy() are two built in instance listeners. You may create custom instance handlers like @OnEvent('submitForm') by creating a decorator using createInstanceHandlerDecorator

  1. Prepare the most basic EventBus implementation:
// bus/EventBus.ts
import Vue from 'vue';
import {Injectable} from '@vue-ioc/core';

export class EventBus {

    private bus: Vue = new Vue();

    dispatch(name: string, data: any) {
        this.bus.$emit(name, data);

    addListener(name: string, listener: (data: any) => void) {
        this.bus.$on(name, listener)

    removeListener(name: string, listener: (data: any) => void) {
        this.bus.$off(name, listener)
  1. Create @OnEvent(name:string) decorator
// bus/OnEvent.ts
import {createInstanceHandlerDecorator} from '@vue-ioc/core';
import {EventBus} from './EventBus';

export function OnEvent(name: string) {
    return createInstanceHandlerDecorator(({injector, instance, method}) => {
        // attach handler - a place where listeners should be attached
        const bus: EventBus = injector.get(EventBus); // you have access to injector where all services can be retrieved
        const boundMethod = instance[method].bind(instance); // bound method to `this` of instance
        bus.addListener(name, boundMethod);
        return () => { 
            // detach handler - a place where all listeners should be detached
            bus.removeListener(name, boundMethod);
  1. Dispatch event from view:
// view/Form.vue
        <button @click="submitForm">Submit</button>
<script lang="ts">
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Component from 'vue-class-component'
    import {Inject} from '@vue-ioc/core';
    import {EventBus} from '../bus/EventBus';

    export default class SomeForm extends Vue {

        public bus!: EventBus;

        public submitForm() {
            this.bus.dispatch('submitForm', { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'})
  1. Handle event in external action:
// actions/SubmitForm.ts
import {OnEvent} from '../bus/OnEvent'
import {Injectable} from '@vue-ioc/core';

export class SubmitForm {
  perform (data) {
     // do something with data

Inversify Container Options

vue-ioc uses following default options for creating Inversify containers:

    autoBindInjectable: false,
    defaultScope: 'Singleton',
    skipBaseClassChecks: true,

To override or add other options, please use containerOptions of plugin options:

Vue.use(VueIocPlugin, {
  containerOptions: {
    // options of Inversify container: