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A boilerplate integrating Foundation for Sites and VueJS

This repository is an example of how to use Foundation for Sites in a Vue single-page application. The project is scaffolded using vue-cli, with the webpack template, and vue-router.

A detailed description of the project is available here.


The master branch is based on a recent vue-cli template, which makes use of Webpack 2. For a working configuration using Webpack 1, check out the webpackv1 branch

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm start

# build for production with minification
npm run build


CSS setup resides in the src/styles folder.

app.scss gets imported in every Vue component, through modified cssLoaders in build/utils.js (see vuejs-templates/webpack#149):

let scssOptions = {
    includePaths: [
    data: '@import "./src/styles/app";'

As a result, Foundation mixins are now available in Vue components, without the need for an @import statement in every style declaration. In order for this to work, every CSS declaration in components needs to use SCSS:

<style lang="scss">
    // styles

_settings.scss is also imported: this is the original Foundation variables file. The only change required to make it work is the import path of Foundation util.

global.scss gets imported in the root component. It initializes Foundation, loads custom icon fonts and Motion UI.

_icons.scss is a modified Fontello build (all urls in @font-face declaration). Instead of using the default static folder for assets, this project is configured to process fonts and images with custom loaders, in build/webpack.base.conf.js.


The foundation-sites JavaScript modules are being initialized and destroyed within the Vue component lifecycle hooks. Specifically the mounted hook is used to initialize each component while the destroyed hook is used to destroy them.

There is one exception to this rule; Tooltips are currently not being destroyed due to a bug in foundation-sites.

You will also notice in the Vue components that a reference is added to the Vue object using this.component = .... This is to allow the destroyed hook to be able to destroy the object without having to use the jQuery selector.

Example from the Accordion component:

export default {
  name: 'accordion',
  mounted() {
    this.accordion = new Foundation.Accordion($('#accordion'), {
      // These options can be declarative using the data attributes
      slideSpeed: 500,
      multiExpand: true,
  data() {
    return {
      msg: 'Accordion',
  destroyed() {


In order to work properly, Orbit needs the Motion UI library.


This component requires listening to Foundation custom events, setting a v-model on the hidden input will not work, as explained here: vuejs/vue#372

Change Log

Note: Versions based on the package.json version value

  • v3.0 [2017-09-26] Replaced single foundation import to plugin import.
  • v2.0 [2017-09-05] Upgraded to Foundation 6.4.3 including XY Grid support.