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An engine for developing visual novel style video games using HTML5 2D Canvas.

NOTE: This project is in early development. This repository is missing assets that allows it to run immediately after a clone. Examples with assets will be added when the API stabalizes.


Online documentation is available here; VNJS Documentation

How to Build

Requirements to build: Node.js v6

From the base directory, install browserify:

npm install -g browserify

Install all the dependencies for this project:

npm install

Transform vn.js into a web bundle:

browserify src/vn.js -t babelify --outfile web/vnweb.js

VNJS Grammar

It's not necessary to generate the grammar to build the project, but if you want to modify the VNJS language, you'll need to install the Nearley parser generator. The parser is generated using the following command;

nearleyc src/grammar/ -o src/javascript/vnjsgrammar.js