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Apache 2.0 License

OwlQuiz is an application for playing the quiz. It was inspired by the popular TV quiz game from Eastern Europe called "What? Where? When?". That's why questions, timer length and player rating features comply with the game rules.



The timer can be set up to count down 20 sec, 30 sec and 60 sec. It also has sound notification indicating start, finish and 10 seconds until finish (only in 60 seconds period).


You can search through the players of the official rating database (RU).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need to install:


Clone the OwlQuiz repository from github with the CLI

git clone

or download it manually.

After that open this repo from your IDE.


Download from release section and install on your android device.

Built With

  • Android Jetpack - Jetpack is a collection of Android software components to make it easier for you to develop great Android apps. These components help you follow best practices, free you from writing boilerplate code, and simplify complex tasks, so you can focus on the code you care about
  • RxJava - a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences
  • RxAndroid - This module adds the minimum classes to RxJava that make writing reactive components in Android applications easy and hassle-free. More specifically, it provides a Scheduler that schedules on the main thread or any given Looper
  • Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java
  • okhttp - OkHttp is an HTTP client
  • Mockito - Tasty mocking framework for unit tests in Java


  • Andrew - Initial work - vmpay

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details