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Quotes API Documentation


This API serves as the backend for TodoApp. It provides functionality to manage todo items.

Tech Used

  • Express.js
  • JsonWebToken (JWT)


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command: npm install

Start the server: npm start

API Endpoints

The following are the available endpoints for the API:


  • GET /api/v1/random: Get a random quote.
  • GET /api/v1/categ/all: Retrieve a list of categories.
  • GET /api/v1/categ/:categ_id/quote: Get a random quote by a specific category.


  • POST /API_KEY/categ/:id: Create a new category.
  • GET /API_KEY/categ/all: Get a list of all categories.
  • POST /API_KEY/quote/:categ_id/new: Create a new quote for a specific category.
  • GET /API_KEY/quote/:categ_id/all: Retrieve all quotes for a category.
  • GET /API_KEY/quote/:quote_id: Retrieve a specific quote by ID.
  • DELETE /API_KEY/quote/:quote_id: Delete a specific quote by ID.

Error Handling

Custom middleware is used to catch errors and send appropriate responses to the user.

Environment Variables

Please refer to example.env for the required environment variables.


This project was developed by Vishesh Singh.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to contribute to this project by making a pull request.