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Pause GCP

A tool support you pause/unpause your GCP resources which save your cost. This tool is designed for running on CI.

Currently, we support gke, vm and cloud sql resources.

Note: from v0.2.0, we deprecated gcloud CLI. You don't need to pre-install it to run pause-gcp.


Pause a GKE cluster

$ pause-gcp gke pause --help

Pause a GKE cluster.
This command require '--location' and '--project' flags.

  pause-gcp gke pause [CLUSTER_NAME] [flags]

# write output from stdout
$ pause-gcp gke pause dev-cluster -l asia-southeast1 -p develop-project > output_state.json

# write output to gcs bucket
$ pause-gcp gke pause dev-cluster -l asia-southeast -p develop-project --output-dir=gs://bucket-name/gke-states

# write output to a directory, pause-gcp will try to create the output dir if it not exists
$ pause-gcp gke pause dev-cluster -p project --output-dir=output_states

# pause cluster with some except pools
$ pause-gcp gke pause dev-cluster -p project --except-pools=critical-pool

      --except-pools strings                                      except node pools
  -h, --help                                                      help for pause
  -l, --location string                                           the cluster location (default "asia-southeast1")
      --output-dir gke_<project>_<location>_<cluster_name>.json   the output directory to write the cluster state. If no path is specified, this will skip the write-to-file process. The output state file has named by format gke_<project>_<location>_<cluster_name>.json
  -p, --project string                                            the project where contain the cluster

This command will print the previous state of the input cluster after it is paused. This state is used to recover the cluster in the unpause command.

If the --output-dir is a GCS bucket (start with gs://), this tool will push the state file to the destination directly.

Unpause a GKE cluster

$ pause-gcp gke unpause --help

Unpause a GKE cluster.
This command requires a GKE state file which is created when you pause the cluster.

  pause-gcp gke unpause [STATE_FILE] [flags]


# STATE_FILE from local
$ pause-gcp gke unpause ./gke-states/gke_develop_asia-southeast1_dev-cluster.state.json

# STATE_FILE from a gcs bucket
$ pause-gcp gke unpause gs://bucket/path/json_file.json --rm

  -h, --help   help for unpause
      --rm     Remove the cluster state after complete

The input file must be the previos state of a cluster. The input file can be a GCS url (with gs:// prefix).

Refresh a GKE cluster

$ pause-gcp gke refresh --help

Refresh a GKE cluster.
Refresh all worker nodes in all node pools of the input cluster. This command just works with node pool has type is spot or preemptible.

  pause-gcp gke refresh [CLUSTER_NAME] [flags]

  -h, --help              help for refresh
  -l, --location string   the cluster location (default "asia-southeast1")
  -p, --project string    the project where contain the cluster
      --recreate          keep the instance (node) name or delete and create with new name otherwise

This command will refresh all node pools has type as spot or preemptible. This action will prevent GCP revokes your worker nodes during working hours.


Why do I need this tool?

This will save your money.

Can I use gcloud CLI instead?

Yes, you can. If you only need to turn off a VM or a cloud SQL instance, you can use cloud CLI instead of this tool. But if you need to turn off a GKE cluster, I recommend you use pause-gcp because turning off a cluster is more complicated than a VM and cloud SQL.