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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 9, 2018. It is now read-only.
Vicky Chijwani edited this page Aug 26, 2017 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the Quill wiki! Here's a summary of what you'll find squirrelled away in here:

General stuff

💡 Ideas - All the crazy features I've fantasized about thought of

👍 What users say - The verdict: they ❤️ it

Tech / design stuff

🚀 Quill v2 - Thoughts on the next major version of Quill

🎨 Design - Design-related thoughts and resources

🛠️ State machine for posts - The magic algorithm behind Quill's fantastic offline mode

🗄️ Why Realm, not SQLite? - The thought process behind using Realm for the app database, instead of SQLite

Release procedure - Stupid mistakes to avoid when releasing a new version

💯 Test cases - To ensure the app is behaving as intended before a new release

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