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This is how I setup my terminal. It currently supports bash and zsh on Linux and Cygwin.


All you need is bash, git, and python 2 or 3 (for the installation script). I assume you have a decent .bashrc that colorizes your command line which you wish to extend without modifying too much.


Install on bash with:

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ python ~/.terminalrc/ --install bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Uninstall bash config with:

$ python ~/.terminalrc/ --remove bashrc

And then delete .terminalrc/

For zsh, follow the instructions above but replace bashrc with zshrc.


If you need any local configurations, you can add them to ~/.terminalrc/local. This way they are read when using bash or zsh.


I've tested it on Ubuntu, Arch and Cygwin. It should also work on Mac, where it installs the script on .bash_profile instead of .bashrc.

Bash Features

  • Each time you open a new bash terminal, a quick description of a random
  • command will print. There's room for improvement on that feature but it's a good way to learn about more obscure commands.
  • Smart Autocomplete: case-insensitive autocomplete for directories and git autocomplete.
  • Colorized prompt, manpages and commands.
  • extract command which will try to decompress various archive types.

Extended Navigation Commands

  • l: Horizontally list content (ls -CF).
  • ll: Vertically list content (ls -AhlF).
  • cdl: Change directory and list contents.
  • mkcd: Make directory and enter it.

Unwarranted Suggestions

  1. Replace ls with exa. See the example local file for aliases.
  2. Instead of using ls and cd everywhere when trying to understand a directory, use the tree command or exa.
  3. When moving to a new directory, use autojump instead of cd.
  4. Silver Searcher can be used in place of most find, xargs, grep combos.
  5. locate is superior to find if the file you are looking for is a least a day old.
  6. If you like to use less instead of cat, as I do, consider install first, then pygmentize. This will enable source code highlighting and archive inspecting.

Git Aliases

Because git commands are too long to type fully. If you are doing any complicated git operations, it is worth using a GUI. I prefer GitKracken at the moment. It's currently freemium.

  • gs: git status
  • ga: git add
  • gd: git diff
  • gdc: git diff --cached, surprisingly helpful.
  • grm: git rm
  • grc: git rm --cached
  • gc: git commit
  • gl: like git log but much prettier.
  • gpl: git pull
  • gpu: git push
  • gbr: git branch -vv -- verbose branching
  • gcache: extend credentials timeout to 1 hour (for gpu/gpl). Useful for when you don't has ssh setup.