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Verida Data Connector Server


This server enables a user to authenticate with a third party service to take ownership of their personal data stored with the third party.

The Verida Vault utilizes this server, redirecting a user to connect to an API. Once connected, the Verida Vault makes regular sync requests to the API in order to keep up-to-date with the user's latest data in that third party service.

User Data

The long term objective is to pull as much of a user's data as possible, to maximize the personal data they own and control.

In the short term, the focus is on high value structured data (ie: social media posts, health records, financial records). Each type of structured data must be pushed into a common Verida schema (ie: social/following/schema.json) to maximize interoperability. The raw, original data, is also stored for future reference in the sourceData property on each saved record.

Images and video are not yet supported as the Verida Network does not officially support file storage.

Security Considerations

In an ideal world, a user could connect directly to a third party service and pull their data, without needing an intermediary like this server. However, the vast majority of consumer API's use OAuth which require an application to register themselves and maintain a secret key to use the API.

An end user could register their own application and obtain their own API key, however in reality that is an awful user experience and beyond the capabilities of the vast majority. Instead, it's necessary to have a centralized application (this Verida Data Connector Server) to maintain the secret API key and facilitate interactions with each third party API.

All that being said, this server is open source, and eventually it should become possible for advanced users to run their own Verida Data Connector Server and configure their Verida Vault to use it, for a complete end-to-end privacy preserving data syncronization solution.

User Privacy

This server receives accessToken and refreshToken values from the user for each sync request. These credentials are not stored on the server.

User data is fetched on behalf of the user and processed. This processing involves:

  • Fetching from third party API
  • Temporarily storing the data on disk
  • Encrypting the data on disk
  • Sending the encrypted data to a CouchDB server where this server and the user has read / write access
  • Deleting the data from disk

This server only has access to data fetched from the third party API. It can not view the full set of data owned by the user for a given dataset. For example, if this API pulls a user's Twitter posts, it will not have access to any other posts stored in the user's Vault.

Application Support

The Verida Wallet mobile application and the Verida Web Vault web application support integrating with the Data Connector Server, enabling users to claim ownership of their personal data.

Once data is stored in these applications, other third party decentralized apps can use the Verida SDK to request access to the user's data with consent.

Running the Server


Update src/serverconfig.json to:

  1. Specify the details of each provider you want to run. You will need to obtain the necessary API keys for each provider.
  2. Specify the correct serverUrl and assetsUrl that point to the correct address of your server (don't use localhost)

Starting the server

yarn run dev

Localhost Sessions

Sessions are used to track redirect URLs in the connection request. Sessions do not work locally if you specify localhost for the hostname. Use an IP address instead.

How it Works


A provider is an implementation of an integration with a third party service (ie: Discord). It facilitates:

  1. Authenticating a user
  2. Handling expired access tokens
  3. Handling connection and sync errors
  4. Pulling data from the third party service API and transforming it into the relevant Verida common schema(s)

Anyone can create a new provider and submit it via a PR to then be made available to all users of the supported Verida applications that integrate with the Data Connector Server.


Here's the flow for connecting to a new third third party service:

  1. Generate a connection URL for the service (ie:
  2. Redirect the user to the connection URL
  3. Data Connector Server redirects the user to the third party authenticate page (ie: Discord authenticate this application page)
  4. User successfully authenticates and is redirected to the endpoint
  5. Data Connector Server handles the callback response to obtain a user profile object an any accessToken and refreshToken from the callback response
  6. Data Connector Server redirects the user back to the original application that made the request, providing the profile, accessToken and refreshToken
  7. The original application making the request should then save this data so it can make future data synchronization requests

Where this server is running on (Don't user localhost, see Sessions below)

Syncing Data

  1. An API request is made to initiate a sync for a given provider (ie:
  2. This sync request includes the user's did, accessToken, refreshToken and details for an encrypted database to save the new data
  3. The Data Connector Server process the request, connects to the remote API with the auth token and creates database entries in the encrypted database
  4. Once complete the Data Connector Server updates a status database specifying the status of the sync (success / fail)
  5. The application who initiate the sync request monitors the status database. Once the status is updated, it handles any errors, or if the sync was successful, it migrates the data from the sync database into the user's appropriate Verida: Vault database. This ensures the Data Connector Server never gets access to all the user's data, only the data that is sync'd from the remote API.
  6. Once data is syncronized from the syncing database to the local applciation database, the reqeusting application notifies the server the sync has completed (ie: This allows the server to delete the sync database data. (@todo: Enable the user to do this remotely)

Implementation Notes

  1. The database for a user is shared between connectors. ie: Syncing Twitter and Facebook data with the followers schema will push data into the same database. Should they be split?