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💭 Overview

This is a fully functional e-commerce web application including authentication and payment. The goal of this project is to learn and practice technologies in the React ecosystem.

🏗 Technology Stack

  • React - a popular user interface JavaScript library.
  • Redux - centralize and manage the state of JavaScript apps.
  • React-router - helps to navigate through React components.
  • Reselect - a "selector" library for Redux, to avoid recalculations of states by using memoized selectors.
  • Redux-persist - manage to persist Redux store in storage.
  • React-stripe-checkout - a React component which wraps Stripe checkout for a better React integration.
  • Redux-saga - a library that aims to make application side effects(i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like accessing the browser cache).
  • React hooks - enable function component to use state and other React features.
  • React.lazy - split React component into different chunks, then lazy load them.

💈 Third Party Services

  • Firebase - service provider for authentication and data storage.
  • Stripe - online payment service platform.

⚒ Get Started

Install dependencies

Run yarn install to install the dependencies of all packages.


Run yarn start to start everything needed to run project locally.

Other commands

  • yarn build - builds our packages (only needed for deployment).
  • yarn prettier - formats all js, jsx, scss files in src folder.
  • yarn lint-staged - start pre-commit operations.
  • yarn eject - if you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.


E-commerce web-application built on React







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