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Rollup/Vite plugin that imports only the elements needed during runtime.

(So you can use @material/web/all.js during development and don't have to worry writing imports yourself ✨)


npm add -D rollup-plugin-material-all

(You'll also need to install @material/web separately)


🛠️ During development

do not use the plugin, all you need to do is to import the all.js module from the core library somewhere in your source:

import '@material/web/all.js';

That's it !

📦 At build time

import the plugin like so


import {materialAll} from 'rollup-plugin-material-all';

// Required to prevent using the plugin during development
const DEV = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'DEV';

export default {
	plugins: [
		DEV ? {} : materialAll(),
		// other plugins...
Or using Vite


import {materialAll} from 'rollup-plugin-material-all';
import {defineConfig} from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [
		// Won't be used during dev


The plugin will scan your sources to find all md-* elements used in your code.
By default this pattern will be used: src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}
but you can always specify a different value in the options:

	// Only ts files
	include: 'src/**/*.ts',

Resolution Mode

If not specified rollup-plugin-material-all will use the perFile resolution mode (which is probably what you will need), there are 2 different methods:

  • perFile: Elements are imported in each individual file where they are being used. Use this method to improve code-splitting as your bundler will have a better understanding of your app's module dependencies graph.
  • all: All imports of elements found in the sources will be written in place of @material/web/all.js. Use this method if you'd rather want to bundle all your elements in one location which is not recommended since it can increase your page initial load time.

Additional elements

Sometimes md-* elements are imported from external libraries, in that case additionalElements can be used to specify these elements:

	additionalElements: ['md-circular-progress', 'md-dialog'],
