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The aim of this project is to produce an Australian Heritage Portal, the main feature being a federated search across the Queensland and Victorian Heritage Registers. This is being developed with aim to expand to include all relevant heritage registers across Australia.

Development Installation

Python project dependencies can be installed into a virtualenv, which can be activated and deactivated from the shell. The easiest way to work with virtual environments is to use virtualenvwrapper, which adds mkvirtualenv, workon and deactivate commands, among others.

Install virtualenvwrapper:

sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper

Create a virtualenv for this project:

mkvirtualenv eheritage

This will automatically activate the environment. In future, it can be activated using:

workon eheritage

Clone a local copy of the project:

git clone

Install dependencies of the project:

pip install --requirement requirements.txt

Use development settings:

cp devconfig.sample devconfig.cfg
export EHERITAGE_SETTINGS=$HOME/eheritage/devconfig.cfg
# Or whatever your local path to a development settings file is

And use development settings automatically when activating your virtualenv by adding the environment setting to a post-activate hook:

echo "export EHERITAGE_SETTINGS=$HOME/eheritage/devconfig.cfg" >> bin/postactivate

Run the e-Heritage portal development server:

./ runserver

The development server will reload automatically when anything is edited.

Management tasks

The script can be used for several maintenance tasks including:

  • Loading data from QLD, Victoria
  • Reindexing data
  • Creating and deleting indexes

Production Deployment

An ansible playbook is supplied to deploy the e-Heritage Portal and all required software to a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 instance.

The playbook depends on some external git repositories included as submodules, these must be downloaded first:

git submodule update --init

Install ansible system-wide on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ansible

Or into a virtualenv:

pip install ansible

Run the playbook against your remote server:

ansible-playbook -v -i deployment/hosts deployment/server_setup.yml