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nBus or nano-bus is an alternative to OpenWRTs UBus. I've had some troubles using UBus in the past specially with its poor documentation and general usability issues that eventually led to the development of nBus.

nBus is better or different than UBus in a few ways:

  • Messages are just blobs. Serialisation is user-defined and not mandatory
  • No centralised daemon to control advertisement and discovery
  • Memory usage can be strictly controlled by pre-allocating memory
  • Works on Linux and can be ported to other POSIX Operating Systems with ease
  • Oh, and by the way, better documented than UBus

How it works

nBus is meant for remote procedure calls usually within the same device. To achieve that, each process can hold one or more endpoint contexts which is a glorified Unix domain socket with a few bells and whistles added. Those include a unique name, a NULL terminated array of hosted methods and a call-back for when an event arrives.

Whenever a method is invoked or an event is raised, a new connection to the remote context is made, I/O occurs and the connection is closed. It's as simple as that. And because of this, it's usually slower - in fact, Ubus is about 3x faster than nBus. On a Raspberry Pi 4 B model, UBus can send approx. 3800 msgs/sec, while nBus can do only about 1480 msgs/sec. But then again, the intent of a bus like this is more towards one-off convenience and usability than of high-performance IPC.

A future version with libev back-end will hopefully not have this bottle-neck. But that's far off in future.

How to use nBus

See a serving side example below:

First include nBus header file.

#include <nbus/nbus.h>

Define your call-back for some method. If the method also produces response, use nbus_set_output to set the response data.

static int say_hello(nbus_context_t *ctx, uint8_t proto, const char *peer, const char *name, const void *data, const size_t n)
    /* blah blah */
    nbus_set_output(ctx, "Hello, world!", 13);
    return 0;

Then register all your call-backs in a nbus_cb_reg_t array as shown below:

static nbus_cb_reg_t regs[] = {

Finally, in the main function of the thread initialise a context and handle any return conditions properly.

    nbus_context_t *ctx;

    if ((err = nbus_init(&ctx, "server", regs, NULL, NULL)) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nbus_init: %s\n", strerror(err));
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

At this point, the context is ready to serve.

Now, use poll() or select() like function to listen for READ events on the context's file descriptor. It can be read from nbus_get_fd() function.

    struct pollfd fds[1];

    fds[0].fd = nbus_get_fd(ctx);
    fds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLHUP;

Whenever a READ even occurs on that file descriptor, call nbus_handle() to handle incoming method calls/events.

    while (poll(fds, 1, -1) > 0) {
        if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) {
            if ((r = nbus_handle(ctx)) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "nbus_handle: %s\n", strerror(r));

If you wish to invoke a remote call on this context, from another context do:

    static void hello_reply(uint8_t proto, int rc, void *extra, const void *data, size_t n)
        /* blah blah -- handle your response */

    err = nbus_invoke(ctx, 0, NBUS_PROTO_RAW, "server", "say_hello", "some data", 9, hello_reply, NULL /* extra */);

At this point, data will contain the response to the remote method and n will tell the size of the response data. Note, rc is the return code from the method's call-back on the remote side. In our example, we were unconditionally returning 0 above, so rc will always be 0. If the reply call-back isn't given, then the remote invocation becomes a call-only invoke. It reduces further socket I/O as there's no need for response.

Do not forget to destroy the context when done.


These APIs are designed keeping a future asynchronous mode nBus in mind.


nBus needs,

  • GCC >= 4.9 or clang >= 3.4 for ISO-C 99 support.
  • CMake >= 2.8.12


  • JSON-C >= 0.15
  • TinyCBOR >= 0.5

By default, the build will generate library only. To build examples or documents/manual pages you need to explicitly enable those switches. The build settings are similar to the ones Buildroot uses.

Variable Type Default Description
BUILD_AGENT Boolean OFF Build forwarding agent. Coming soon
BUILD_CLI Boolean OFF Build command-line diagnostic utility
BUILD_DOCS Boolean OFF Build API docs and manual pages
BUILD_EXAMPLES Boolean OFF Build examples
BUILD_TESTS Boolean OFF Build speed-tests
ENABLE_LUA Boolean OFF Build Lua bindings. Coming soon
NBUS_CTX_NAME_PREFIX String nbus: or /var/run/nbus/ See details below


Also, build and install network forwarding agent (nbusnfd) along with library.

Note: Coming Soon.

Network forwarding agent, that uses HTTP(s) protocol to allow external devices to invoke methods on the local device or raise/listen to events in device.


Also build and install nBus diagnostic utility (nbuscli) along with the library.

During compilation, if JSON-C and/or TinyCBOR was found in path, the compilation process will link nbuscli against these libraries to enrich event listening. However, libnbus.a/ itself will depends only on standard C-99/POSIX APIs.

A more detailed list of features are documented in its own manual.


Needs doxygen to generate API docs.


Builds simple examples that showcase capabilities of nBus.


Generates speed tests. This requires UBus to be also present in the CMAKE_{INSTALL|STAGING}_PREFIX. It generates a sample test that compares nBus vs UBus and prints the number of messages per second each can execute.


Note: Coming Soon.

Generate Lua bindings.


A unique prefix for all nBus contexts. The prefix is usually a directory path (with trailing '/') on most Unix systems. On Linux, the prefix can also be abstract. See unix(7) for details on abstract domain sockets.

General requirements for path prefix are:

  • Must be absolute and real path (no symlinks), must starts with '/' and end '/'.
  • Directory must exist before first context is created. Make this directory via some init script.
  • Directory must be exclusive to nBus contexts only. Subdirectories can exist, nothing else can be made here.

Abstract prefix on the other hand doesn't have any limitations. But it is usually a good idea for prefix to have a trailing separator such as : or something else.

If NBUS_CTX_NAME_PREFIX is not specified during build,

  • Path prefix defaults to /var/run/nbus/
  • On Linux, it defaults to abstract prefix and is set to nbus:.


nBus works over Unix domain sockets which means data can be only within the device where it's running on. IoT devices normally have a vetted list of software, so rogue applications DoS'ing legitimate applications would likely not be possible. For this reason, there's no special security mechanisms implemented for contexts.

Using path based prefix can provide some access control if that is so desired. In that create sub-directories under path prefix with various users and groups. In the application, set umask() and set effective UID/GID appropriately and create context. Use diagnostic utility as root user to be able to see all contexts.


nBus is developed and released from GitLabs. Please send in feature-requests, faults, patches, swearing, blaming and beating there.