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The addon_loader.lua script aims to load external programs or scripts as Graphite add-ons.


  • Graphite >= v3-1.8.8

Enable Graphite loading add-ons

Get addon-loader

  • Download the script file addon_loader.lua
  • Put this script into a directory of your choice, preferably in a non-volatile directory with a well-formed path

Configure Graphite

You have to go to File -> Preferences -> Startup and add the lua script addon_loader.lua. Don't forget to click on Save Config. and restart Graphite.

Graphite will start and execute this script. A menu Externals should appear.

Manage add-ons

External add-ons can be managed via the menu Externals -> Manage add-ons.

Add an external add-on

You can add an external add-on via the menu Externals -> Manage add-ons -> Add.

  • Name: an arbitrary name for the add-on
  • Program: program to execute
  • Interpreter (OPTIONAL): path or name of interpreter used to execute program (e.g: a python script need python3 interpreter)


You can modify an external add-on via the menu Externals -> Manage add-ons -> Modify -> add-on_NAME in the same manner as add an external add-on.

Remove an external add-on

You can remove an external add-on via the menu Externals -> Manage add-ons -> Remove. Just type the name of the add-on you want to remove from Graphite. Note that it just remove the add-on from the list of add-ons that should be loaded by Graphite. It doesn't remove any files.

Clean up add-on list file

You can clean up the list of external add-ons via the menu Externals -> Manage add-ons -> Clean list. This command just clean up the list of external add-ons that Graphite should load. In fact, it remove the file ext_add-on_list.txt. This file will be re-created automatically by addon_loader as soon as you add a new external add-on.

Note: All external add-ons are listed in the file ext_addon_list.txt in the Graphite root folder.

Try with an existing add-on

As you probably don't have any add-ons at hand, we've put together a series of small add-on examples for you. You can go to:

You will find binary of add-ons that you can add to Graphite.

Note: Mac OS binaries are not signed, but we hope that this will be the case in the future.

Create add-ons

How Graphite recognize external add-ons ?

To enable Graphite loading add-ons and generate the appropriate user interface (UI), it is necessary to present program parameters in a specific format that can be read and understood by Graphite. Let's call this format EPF format for External add-on Format / Expose Parameter Format.

This format is obtained by Graphite when executing addon_loader.lua by calling a program with --show-params argument, returning program parameters as EPF format.

EPF format

EPF format is very simple and looks like this:

 #This file contains reflexion information for calling a binary file
name=param1;type=bool;value=false;possible_values=undefined;description=A bool;type_of_param=undefined
name=param2;type=double;value=0;possible_values=undefined;description=A double;type_of_param=undefined

Each line contains data about one parameter:

  • name: parameter name (displayed as a label in UI)
  • type: parameter type {int, float, double, bool, string, file, input}
  • possible_values: a list of values to be selected if parameter is an enum
  • description: a description of the parameter that can be displayed as a tooltip text in UI
  • type_of_param: ...
  • visible (optional): indicate whether the parameter is visible in the UI
  • target_format (optional): indicate how to format of parameter argument when calling program

Line that start with # are comments.

Make a program recognizable by Graphite

To turn a program into an external add-on recognizable by addon_loader, your program must:

  • Respond to the --show-params argument, returning program parameters as EPF format
  • Accept to be called with arguments as the following format: k1=v2 k2=v2 ... kn=vn with ki the parameter name and vi the value of the parameter (e.g: my_program param_string=hello param_bool=true param_int=1 ...)

Note: for the programs written in C++, we encourage you to use This micro library help you to declare parameters and return EPF format when --show-params is requested.

You will find add-on source C++ examples at