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Workshop about e2e and QA Wolf (Faster Testing With QAWolf)


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Faster e2e tests with QA Wolf

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Hi! This is the demo project for testing with QA Wolf. In this repo you can switch between branches that representing different steps.

To use this project don't forget to run npm i. Master branch is the finished product. If you want to start from scratch run git checkout init

Simple slide explain about e2e and QA Wolf


A project without testing, here you can start implementing your own testing.


Here we init the QA Wolf process as the description says npm init qawolf

Then some questions need to be answered for his CLI

# rootDir: Directory to create tests in? __test__
# Choose CI Provider (Use arrow keys)? Skip

Now the CLI will install the dependencies.

To make sure it all work write 😉🐺: npx qawolf howl

The CLI should create a file named qawolf.config.js. We need to add one property: attribute: 'data-hook'

Here an example for things you can configure:

module.exports  =  {
	// element attributes to use in selectors whenever possible
	attribute:  'data-cy,data-e2e,data-qa,data-test,data-testid,/^qa-.*/',
	// set jest config
	config:  'node_modules/qawolf/js-jest.config.json',
	createTemplate:  ({ name, url })  =>  {
	// returns test template as a string
	// where tests are created
	rootDir:  '.qawolf',
	// function to generate custom test template
	// default timeout of a test in milliseconds
	testTimeout:  60000,
	// generate .ts files
	useTypeScript:  false

For more details check this official docs


Let's make our life even more easy with adding some scripts

"scripts": {
	"test:create":  "URL=${URL:-http://localhost:3000/} ; npx qawolf create $URL"


This script using the default url (http://localhost:3000/) and default name (myTest) to make the script even shorter.

Let run: npm run test:create firstTest And it's going to open a new browser with our app, and also create a new file in __tests__ named firstTest.test.ts which looks like this:

import  { Browser, Page }  from  "playwright";
import qawolf from  "qawolf";

let browser:  Browser;
let page:  Page;

beforeAll(async  ()  =>  {
	browser =  await qawolf.launch();
	const  context  =  await browser.newContext();
	await qawolf.register(context);
	page =  await context.newPage();

afterAll(async  ()  =>  {
	await qawolf.stopVideos();
	await browser.close();

test("firstTest",  async  ()  =>  {
	await page.goto("http://localhost:3000/");
	await qawolf.create();

This is the basic template, If you wish to change it checkout the previous section.

Now in the the terminal let's chose 🗑 Discard and exit .


Let's create some basic tests!

Create todo:

  • Run npm run test:create create-todo.
  • Create todo item in the UI and close the window.
  • Chose in the terminal 💾 Save and exit .

And DONE! 🎊🎉🐺

Now you should have a new file named create-todo.test.ts. After we created the test we can test the test 😎.


Now when we have the test we can see the result of the test. Let's add some script to help us.

"scripts": {
	"test:result":  "npx qawolf test"

npm run test:result create-todo

npm run test:result

If you want to use a diffrent browser read here And your done, now you can get the also the result for your tests 🥳.

If you like this workshop please give a little star 😁 GitHub stars You always welcome to contribute and make a PR!

🤝 💻