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Remote door lock


All Dependencies are included in the repository

  • Arduino libraries
    • ArduinoHttpClient
    • ESP32_Arduino_Servo_Libary
    • HTTPClient
    • WiFi
    • WiFiClientSecure
  • Website libraries
    • Vendor

All arduino libraries are under ESP32/lib, while all the vendor folders are under website/vendor.

Parts (physical)

If you use a servo check so it's strong enough.

If you use a relay check so it can handle the current.


  • ESP32
  • Servo/Relay

Not Required

  • LED

Instructons (deployment)

Google API Credential

To set up the goggle API you can follow these instruction google instructions or the ones bellow.

  • Go to
  • Click on Create New Project.
  • Enter Project Name and Project ID and click on CREATE.
  • Navigate to your projects OAuth consent screen.
  • Choose one of the options listed and click CREATE.
  • Enter App Name, User support email and Developer contact information to continue (other information can be filled out later).
  • Click SAVE AND CONTINUE til you reach the end and then click back to dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Credential page, click CREATE CREDENTIALS>OAuth client ID.
  • Select Web application and name your OAuth 2.0 client.
  • Add the primary URI under Authorized JavaScript origins.
    • https://URL/
  • Add the redirect URI under Authorized redirect URIs.
    • https://URL/index
  • To view your Client ID and Client secret go to the projects Credential page and click on your apps name under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs


For this website you will need a server that can host a PHP 8.0 website, HTTPS shouldn't be used since it wouldn't work with the ESP32

We used a Unix server runing with an SSL license and FileZilla(FTP-client) to upload the files to the server.

  • PHP 8.0
  • Apache 2.4
  • FTP access


For this website you will need a mysql database.

We used a MySQL/MariaDB database.


For the website to work you have to fill out the necessary variables in the designated files(more detail in website README).


For the Arduino to work you have to fill out the necessary variables in the designated files(more detail in ESP32 README).

User stories

A higher rank can do anything the lower ranks can do and have access to more features (the ones mentioned under that ranks subheading).


  • A user will be able to login with my google login.
  • A logged in user will be able to logout.
  • A logged in user will be able to send request to database which the ESP32 will react to.


  • A logged in moderator will be able to register new users by sending in their firstname, lastname and email.


  • A logged in admin will be able to register new moderators by sending in their firstname, lastname and email.
  • A logged in admin will be able to register new admins by sending in their firstname, lastname and email.
  • A logged in admin will be able to get a list of registered users.
  • A logged in admin will be able to remove registered users from accessing the system.
  • A logged in admin will be able to remove registered moderators from accessing the system.
  • A logged in admin will be able to change registered user rank in the database
  • A logged in admin will be able to change registered moderators rank in the database

Fallback Admin

  • A logged in fallback admin will be able to remove registered admins from accessing the system.
  • A logged in fallback admin will be able to change registered user given_name, family_name and email in the database
  • A logged in fallback admin will be able to change registered moderators given_name, family_name and email in the database
  • A logged in fallback admin will be able to change registered admins given_name, family_name, email and rank in the database

Second button

A Second button to controll a second ESP32 can be added by duplecating some parts of the backend code.


To get the secoond eesp32 to work independently, you have to a second log tabel in the database (Don't forget to have diftent names on the diffrent logs tabels.)


To add a second botton you have to copy this part of the index file, add it in directly after. (Don't forget to change the request scripts name corespondengly.)

<form action="scripts/request-2-script.php" method="post">
  <button type="submit" name="request-submit">
    <p>Turnon Light</p>

Request script

Copy the request script and change the name corespondengly so it matches with the link in index

you also heve to change the tabel on line 21 so it matches the right log tabel

$sql = "INSERT INTO RDL_log (given_name, family_name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

to something like

$sql = "INSERT INTO RDL_log_2 (given_name, family_name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";


On the ESP32 side the only thing you have to change from the first deplayment is the URL ending.


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